When it comes to redesigning your bathroom, there are many options. These can include traditional designs, but you could also opt to splash out on a wetroom instead. We’re here to take you through the advantages and disadvantages of these areas of the home.
The look
Wetrooms can be a real statement for your home, as they create a modern, futuristic feel. These can be designed in using colours and textures – just like any traditional bathroom. Where they differ is that they look cleaner, as there are few steps or segments.
The average bathroom will have a shower tray and glass, which can take away from the appeal of the room. With a wetroom, there are fewer barriers and areas, which creates a more complete look. You can also have single colours or styles of tiles, as they cover all areas of the room.
There’s a lot of flexibility involved when you’re creating a wetroom. You can choose to use different colours to emphasise the areas of the room, or just stick with one. Accessories and other elements can still be used to show your personal style too – like fittings and controls. It’s up to you whether you want it to be filled with bling or more muted.
It’s a good idea to view any tiles that you plan to buy in person to get a real feel for what they look like. While there are many online retailers out there, it can be difficult to get an accurate depiction of these online. Smaller tiles will generally require more work to fit, as they take longer to line up and grout into place.
Lighting can also be used to great effect in these rooms, as they attract attention. Backlights and spotlights are very popular in bathroom design at the moment as they add an extra touch of class. They’re also able to withstand the steam and water that will be created in the room.
Wetrooms aren’t just form over function, as you can enjoy both with the right design in place. These can serve many more functions than the average bathroom, as there are fewer barriers. This could mean you go for a rainfall or spa shower, because you don’t have to worry about housing them.
For individuals that perhaps have a disability or accessibility needs, these can also be more appropriate. With the right bathing and showering areas, they can use these much more easily. For example, access level bathing can present fewer risks as there are fewer ledges on which they could potentially trip or fall.
Getting into and out of a bath can be challenging for some people, so you may also want to invest in walk-in bathing facilities too. You can read more about the more straightforward access that these can offer in this handy blog post: https://www.bathingsolutions.co.uk/blog/elderly-showers/ease-difficulty-wet-rooms/
Creating a wetroom that really looks great will also add value to your home. This can potentially create more demand on the market, which also adds to the sale price. This can be a stand out area of your home that makes it much more lucrative for buyers. For more ideas on how to make your home more appealing to buyers, take a look at this article: https://www.idealhome.co.uk/news/best-ways-to-add-value-to-your-home-177509
With buyers checking out so many houses before they opt to purchase, this can help your home stick in their mind. This can have them coming back for further viewings and potentially putting in an offer on your home.
Wetrooms do have a lot of advantages, although they can initially be more costly. This can be worth the investment to have a great room in which you can relax.