Festival of Britain

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Original vintage Festival of Britain catalogue | H is for Home

We mentioned buying this Festival of Britain brochure in our last blog – Five Flea Finds.

Costain advert in original 'Festival of Britain' catalogue

We’ve really enjoyed flicking through it.

Electronics information in original 'Festival of Britain' catalogue

Quite a few people have expressed an interest, so we thought we’d share some of its contents with you.

Festival map in original 'Festival of Britain' catalogue

The Festival was held in 1951 – it celebrated the centenary of The Great Exhibition held in 1851 – but was also intended to showcase Britain in the mid twentieth century.

Royal Festival Hall information in original 'Festival of Britain' catalogue

What an exciting event in must have been – with the new wave of optimism after the Second World War.

Battersea Park Fair in original 'Festival of Britain' catalogue

Exhibitions were held around the country, the main site occupying a position on the South Bank in London which was completely redeveloped.

Coalite advert in original 'Festival of Britain' catalogue

The Festival had a great influence on architecture, interior and product design in the years that followed.

Siemens advert in original 'Festival of Britain' catalogue

The brochure contains about 100 pages in total.

Sky page in original 'Festival of Britain' catalogue

It highlights the main attractions – exhibition spaces & their contents, new structures (including the Royal Festival Hall and the famous Skylon), the designers involved etc.

Skylon information in original 'Festival of Britain' catalogue

As is often the case with publications from this era, there are some fantastic advertisements too…

Crompton advert in original 'Festival of Britain' catalogue

…bold, colourful and forward-looking.

Simplex advert in original 'Festival of Britain' catalogue

The brochure is a must have item for Festival of Britain collectors – but also of broader interest to fans of modernism & mid twentieth century design.

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