Elderflower blossom is in full bloom at the moment. Not only do the clusters of flowers smell gorgeous, they’re easily made into the perfect summer drink. So here’s the recipe for elderflower cordial that has been requested by some of our friends over on Twitter.

Elderflower cordial
- 20 elderflower heads
- 1.8 kilo sugar
- 1.2 litre water
- 2 unwaxed lemons
- 75 g citric acid available at pharmacies or health food shops
- Carefully shake each flower head to remove any insects and put them in a large bowl (one with a pouring lip would be ideal)
- Put the sugar & water into a saucepan and bring to the boil, stirring until the sugar has completely dissolved
- Peel the lemons and add this zest to the bowl of elderflowers
- Slice the zested lemons and also add these to the bowl
- Pour the boiling sugar syrup into the bowl and stir in the citric acid
- Cover with a cloth / tea towel and leave at room temperature for 24 hours
- Strain the cordial through a fine sieve or muslin and pour into sterilised glass or plastic bottles. Screw on the lids and refrigerate or store in a cool cupboard. You can also ¾-fill plastic bottles and freeze
Dilute the cordial approximately 1:4 with sparkling mineral water – or try adding a dash to gin & vodka cocktails, white wine spritzers or champagne!
Serving suggestion:
- Hot sunny day
- Tall glass
- Straw
- Lots of ice
- Deck chair
- Parasol
That looks amaaaaaaazing – not sure if mine will turn out quite that nice but will definitely give it a try!
Isn't it gogeous, we managed to make about 6 bottles! Heaven!
thank you for this – this will go nicely with the champagne in the fridge! great photos (as always) 🙂