G is for… Garden

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photo of our garden with vintage floral sun lounger | H is for Home

Our small Pennine garden has woken up – well, started to at least! We’ve been out at the weekend sweeping, potting up seeds, planting strawberries and some colourful annuals.

strawberries growing in our garden | H is for Home colourful annuals in our garden | H is for Home

We have lots of shady corners, so hostas and astilbes do really well.

astilbes growing in pots | H is for Home hostas growing in posts and vintage dolly tubs | H is for Home

Ferns like it here too – we’re really fond of these little ones which self-seed and sprout from the old stone walls.

ferns growing between stone bricks in a wall | H is for Home ferns growing in pots and between stone bricks in a wall | H is for Home

self seeding clover type plant | H is for Home

This is another self-seeder. It can take over a bit if left unchecked, but if it’s restricted within pots and cracks between paving it looks wonderful – the bright green leaves and pretty white flowers really lift the shaded areas… and it’s always good to get plants for free!

We have a little project for the summer, renovating this little, old greenhouse which was about to be thrown on the tip. It’s a house in the loosest sense of the word – being only about 4 feet wide. We’ll try not to lose any of its shabby charm, but if it doesn’t get some TLC soon it will fall to pieces.

vintage mini-greenhouse | H is for Home

We love these bits of metalware in the garden – old dolly tubs, buckets and watering cans.

vintage galvanised metal dolly tub | H is for Home large pottery urn | H is for Home

Also the drainpipe hoppers which look lovely when the flowers start to spill over.

old cast iron hoppers being used as plant pots | H is for Home

We’ve got our seating arrangements sorted out, picking up a Victorian cast iron bench over the winter.

Victorian garden bench | H is for Home

Also a more portable 1960s metal & plastic weave chair… and this fab 70s floral lounger.

old dandycord chair | H is for Home vintage 1970s floral sun lounger | H is for Home

The birds are well catered for…

hanging bird feeder full of peanuts | H is for Home stone bird table | H is for Home

Although its about time they started to find their own food now.

We’ve made a good start, but there’s plenty left to do… and Fudge is always happy to supervise proceedings.

Fudge the dog asleep in the garden | H is for Home

It’s nice to be able to sit back and survey work done so far though… and plan the next move from our strategic headquarters.

garden shed | H is for Home

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