Gimme Five! Cookbooks

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Selection of 5 cookbooks

Everybody loves to get a book for Christmas. I especially love to find a new, glossy, hardback cookbook under the tree to add to my collection!

Anyone who follows this blog will know that we love baking bread, cakes, pastries and cookies as well as using foraged ingredients. Here are five cookbooks that will go a long way towards extending our cookery repertoire!

  1. The Delia Collection – Baking: £10.03, Hive
  2. The Clandestine Cake Club Cookbook: £14.60, Foyles
  3. Tartine box set: £45, Blackwells
  4. Hedgerow (River Cottage Handbook, No.7): Amazon, £10.34
  5. Pie: Delicious Sweet and Savoury Pies and Pastries from Steak and Onion to Pecan Tart: from £11.37, AbeBooks

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