I don’t know about you, but I can barely function without that first mug of coffee in the morning. When we wake up & set off at stupid o’clock and head off towards some car boot sale or other over yonder, I’m not always ready for that first cuppa. Plus, if we’ve a long drive ahead of us, we want to avoid having to make a pit-stop en route to use a public convenience.
With one of these travel coffee presses, we can prepare a brew just before we hit the road and pop it in our rucksack. We can then enjoy the aroma & taste of a proper cup of coffee either on the road or as we arrive.
Our favourite is the Cafflano, designed by a Korean businessman. Apparently he “loved his ‘proper’ coffee and drank several cups a day, but resented the high prices of coffee-shop coffee and didn’t want to spend a fortune on an espresso or capsule machine” – a man after my own heart!
It’s great because it incorporates a built-in ceramic grinder, hot water reservoir and drip filter. You’d be hard pressed (geddit?) to make a fresher cup of coffee on the go!
- Healthy Steps coffee press: £7.40, eBay
- Cafflano Klassic coffee maker: £64.99, Lakeland
- Impress coffee brewer: £34.99, Firebox
- AeroPress coffee maker: £25, Whittard
- Aladdin Aveo flask with cafétiere: £19.05, Amazon