For this month’s competition, we have a fantastic prize that you’ll use all year round. We’ve teamed up with Certainly Wood to offer one of our readers a bucket of Flamers firelighters.
We’ve been trialling these Flamers recently and we can really sing their praises. They’re a wonderful product – renewable, untreated wood shavings dipped in refined wax. They have a long burn which makes lighting fires easy and reliable. Also, there’s none of the harsh, chemical aromas that you get from other types of firelighter.
And as if that wasn’t enough, they actually look great too. They’re attractive additions to the fireside in the same way a basket of logs gives a natural, cosy look to a room. In addition to wood burners and open fires, they’re also perfect for barbecues and pizza ovens. We’re complete converts and won’t be using anything else in the future.
To enter, simply tell us in the comments section below how you usually light your fire or barbecue.
Bucket of Flamers fire lighters
Shared on: Superluckyme | The Prizefinder | Loquax | U Me and the Kids
I’m a bit of a cheat and buy the bags you light for my BBQ but I do start fires the traditional way for my fire pit – using paper cardboard small sticks and then large logs when it’s built!
I either use a lighter and tinder or a battery and wire wool
With kindling & Firelighters
by lighting lots of pieces of paper….not very good as it takes ages
usually with great difficulty by burning ourselves, we get the block fire lighters although they dont work very good
with normal fire lighters.
We use newspaper crumbled in a ball.
kindling and firelighters
Firelighters – the smelly chemical ones.
With tightly folded pieces of newspaper and strips of kindling wood.
screwed up paper, and sticks, light and cover fireplace with a shovel and piece of paper as a blazier
Kindling and firelighters.
I normally use firelighters and kindling for lighting my log burner.
I use peat in my fires
With great difficulty and some firelighters!
I like piccalilli with cheese and french bread
Usually with newspapers it can get a bit messy if it is windy
I use firelighters or the BBQ bags that you set fire too!
Usually with pieces of screwed up paper – it takes ages though!
Normal firelighters with locally bought kindling for us. We have a thatched roof so are very careful about what we burn.
I use those white smelly firelighters plus newspaper but these look like a much better idea.
Newspaper and kindling followed by logs
These would make lighting our wood burner so much easier as use kindling & paper at the moment.
With kindling & a flamer!
Paper spills or commercially bought chemical firelighters which doesn’t always work.
Kindling and matches
Paper twists and a dab of lighting gel.
Firelighters and scrunched up paper
I use wooden fire lighters
i usually start it off with newspaper!
This would look so good beside my wood burner!
I use a layer of crunched up paper then place a layer of small twigs/kindling on top and light the paper 🙂
we just use some dry paper!
I use fire lighters and wooden blocks
small jenga building of sticks and a couple of fire burners, as well as a couple of crossed fingers and a lot of hope
Just usually use a match and some newspaper!
A lighter and paper usually :/
Newspaper, pine cones and kindling.
We use pine cones paper and a fire lighter
We usually use old lolly sticks that we’ve kept to light our barbeque but sometimes it takes a little long. x
Kindling and block firelighters and adjust the air flow correctly
We use firelighters and kindling
Errrr….. I’m not sure because my husband does it. I’m in charge of the salad!
I use long strips of newspaper in a bow!
I know it sounds terrible and lazy but start it with a lighter.
With firelighters and kindling x
I tend to use firelighters
With kindling & Firelighters
With firelighters
we use a highlighter
I’ve used these in the past to get the woodburner going and they are fabulous! I usually use kindling and firelighters.
Kindling and firelighters
My other half takes care of the fire however he uses ripped up newspaper and kindling.
firelighters and fluid
We used to use newspaper & sticks, but now we use firelighters.
Firelighters, kindling, coal, newspaper, bellows and swearing!
We use firelighters.
With paper
firelighters 🙂
We usually just use a lighter & wood
with regular firelighters
A little cooking blow lamp
We use lots of scrunched up paper and sometimes lighter fluid which I hate because it smells and it’s dangerous.
My Dad is a carpenter so I usually start my fire with his off cuts from work!
with some “fuzz” from the tumble dryer and matches !
We have a burning bin and we usually use newspaper.
We have a duel fuel stove, and use normal chemical firelighters with kindling to get it going – they do smell awful though when you open the door to add a log once the kindling’s burning!
usually with paper and a lighter
I put on prodigy “firestarter” & rub 2 sticks together caveman style!
We use dry kindling and some screwed up newspaper to start the woodburner.
i normally light my wood burner by passing the matches to my wife and letting her do it lol…
Instant light bags
Paper and pine cones to get it going
usually with firelighters
bbq coal x
I use firelighters.
We use the yellow pages and very dry kindling from the Ash tree in our garden but get a bit stuck if we run out and have to use the horrible chemical fire lighters sometimes. Would love to swap now I’ve found flamers.
Lots of patience! lol
Light the bag charcoal, not great tho
I use firelighters to light the fire.
We have a log burner and i often struggle if i don’t use regular firelighter. Liking the sound of these though x
Usually smelly firelighters, but I once made some with pine cones dipped in wax. They were fab
I use toilet rolls and kindling to light my fire
We have 3 fires in our house and on winter weekends I like to light all 3. Normally I use knotted pieces of newspaper, a little kindling and a couple of traditional firelighters. It’s a bit time consuming and smelly on the hands though!
we use twigs, firelighters and leaves to get our fire pit going
a lighter and paper
make layers, first put balled up newspaper on the bottom, then thin kindling sticks, then any coal left from previous day’s burn picked out from the ashes, then a small amount of coal on the top of that & light with along BBQ lighter I only adding more coal slowly once I’m sure it’s bedded in. Sometimes it’s still in from the night before though so just have to add coal and carefully clean out underneath
We always use ‘Flamers’…no idea how I would light our stove without them :))
With firelighters.
with old newspapers
firelighters and kindling
We use either ordinary matches or extra long matches.
firelighters, kindling and newspaper
I usually make my own paper logs… these look soo much nicer ( and easier on my arthritic wrists!)
Kindling and firelighters
Kindling and newspapers.
I light my log burner with kindling and news paper most of the time except when i’m in a hurry as I’ll use fire lighters and kindling.
My husband normally does it as the BBQ is kind of his thing, BUT I think even I could manage with these!
Newspaper and wood
I start our log burner by stacking the chopped sticks up, starting with thicker at the bottom, and thinner at the top. In a criss cross format and through a few fire lighters in then lit with a match!
We use firelighters
I use the petrol based fire lighters, kindling and newspapers.
Screwed up newspaper lol x
fire lighters x
with conventional firelighters
Kindling and firelighter blocks
normally matches and firelighters
firelighters then use bits of coal bag
matches, kindling
With firelighters or the bags you light for the barbecue, my husband has no patience so I light the fire in our house.
To get our fire started we scrunch up paper, add two lots of kindling and a couple of firelighters. Once going add logs! 🙂
Newspaper, sticks, years of practice 🙂
Using newspaper knots
Firelighters and lighter fluid vets it going pretty well
Firefighters & pieces of kindling
Ours is boring and electric so we just switch it on!
I use screwed-up newspaper covered with layers of sticks. I put a light to that then add the logs when it takes hold.
We have a log burner and used to use the block firelighters but found that natural firelighters like these were far better at getting the fire going
Kindling and firelighters.
Newspaper and kindling
I use the firelighters with one piece of newspaper to light my log burner. If the wood is well seasoned it goes well if not, no amount of anything will get it going.
light the bag coal
We are a little old fashioned with twisted newspaper, but really need a better way!
I use firelighters – the only thing that worksfor me
I let my husband do it
Kindling & Firelighters
Newspapers and matches – traditionally amateurish, but it’s how my grandad taught me
using paper + cardboard + wood