Easter is only a fortnight away and this month’s competition is very apt. We have a gift boxed set of Keith Brymer Jones ‘Word’ egg cups for one of our readers to win. The egg cups are hand-stamped with the well-known conundrum, “What came first the chicken or the egg”.
Keith Brymer Jones is, alongside Kate Malone, the oft-tearful judge of The Great Pottery Throw Down – he gets so emotional about his craft. We loved watching the last series that ended last week – you can still catch up on the iPlayer.
Each piece is hand finished and is part of his extensive ‘Word’ range which includes, amongst other items, mugs, plates, bowls, teapots, butter dishes… and even pet feeding bowls.
To win the egg cup set, leave us a comment below saying how you like your eggs!
Set of Keith Brymer Jones egg cups
Shared on: Superluckyme | The Prizefinder | Loquax | U Me and the Kids
I love eggs. Boiled, poached, fried, scrambled. Love them. Best of all is an egg sandwich when I am really hungry.
Soft boiled eggs
I love soft boiled eggs with bread to dip in & a little salt 🙂 x
I love poached eggs or Dippy eggs which take u back to being a kid having egg and soldiers!
Hard boiled x
Sunney Side up
Scrambled, especially if someone else has to clean the pan!
Poached is my favourite but I love them anyway they come 🙂
Hard-boiled for me
Everyone knows it was the egg that came first – wasn’t it? Solf boiled egg and toasted soldiers are the best
I love my free range eggs hard boiled and cold on brown toast the best 🙂
Scrambled, poached or boiled!
poached with smoked salmon
Love poached eggs on toast , with welsh dragon butter, (but if it was a choccie egg i wouldn’t be complaining x
hard boiled with soldiers
Soft boiled eggs for my soldiers
Fried, scrambled, in an omlet…….
i love my eggs soft bolied so i can dip my soldiers into just like a child xx
I like omelette especially with mushrooms in yummy
scrambled 🙂 with toast x
With a kiss 😉
I love scrambled eggs
I love boiled eggs and a soft boiled dippy egg is my favourite breakfast
Fried on toast
I like mine with a kiss!! I like my egg boiled for 5 mins and I eat it with warm buttered toasted soldiers.
Poached eggs on toast…yummy
I prefer them scrambled
I love a nice soft boiled egg or a poached egg, eat them daily 🙂
I love hard boiled eggs with my salad.
Runny with toast soldiers!
I love soft boiled or poached eggs, I love the runny yolk.
Poached, scrambled, boiled, fried, any way will do
Fried, crispy underneath and with the yolks just set
i like soft boiled eggs
Love boiled, scrambled, fried, poached love them all. Egg & soldiers takes me back to being a kid.
I like poached eggs the best.
Poached or scrambled for me
My favourite are poached eggs.
I love poached eggs with smoked haddock & crusty bread,
scrambled eggs with smoked salmon or soft boiled eggs & soldiers. All yummy!
scrambled on toast with brown sauce,
Soft boiled x
I love them boiled (as long as there’s a soft yolk), poached or fried with a soft yolk.!
I love scrambled eggs with toast. Thanks for the giveaway.
Soft boiled eggs.. 🙂 xxx
Poached on a slice of toast with a cheese slice on it
I love eggs absolutely any way and have them as much as possible but my go-to is definitely scrambled on toast with bacon and a sprinkle of cheddar
Any which way as long as they are happy eggs fresh from my chickens!
I like hard boiled eggs with a little pepper
I like my eggs poached and on buttered toast.
Love boiled eggs with bread and butter soldiers. And a big mug of tea.
I love my boiled eggs sort and yummy! lots of salt and pepper.
I love soft boiled eggs with butter and bread soldiers
I love soft boiled eggs with bread soldiers
soft boiled eggs with toast 😛 x
soft boiled, softly poached, easy rare fried, just cooked omelette etc etc etc
Boiled, with a slightly soft yolk
i like runny boiled eggs with soldiers
i love my egg soft boiled with soldiers
Poached eggs are my favourite,I’m useless at making them though!
Soft boiled x
I love them cooked any which way but I suppose my favourite is a poached egg with a lovely soft yolk. No snotty whites though!
Scrambled xx
Poached & runny
scrambled but fully cooked through on wholemeal toast!
Soft boiled for me!
I like them all ways. My favourite is soft boiled, chopped up & in a sandwich, yum!
I love them soft boiled with toasted soldiers
Poached with hollandaise sauce mmmm
I love poached eggs on toast
Poached egg on toast, or boiled egg and soldiers.
I love eggs full stop!! Poached, fried, scrambled or hard boiled
Poached with asparagus!
Nothing beats a lovely soft boiled egg 🙂
Love scrambled eggs
Fried and boiled!
I like my dad’s soft scrambled eggs.
My favourite is fish with mushy peas and a battered sausage from the chip shop.
i love poached eggs best 🙂
I love soft boiled, scrambled or over easy 🙂
Love dippy eggs and soldiers
I love mine boiled with a runny yolk so that I can dunk soldiers!
Marmite & a tiny bit of butter mashed into a soft boiled egg is HEAVENLY! These eggcups are fab 😀
scrambles with lashes of bacon and ketchup on top, delish
scrambled !
I love poached eggs on toast
i like mine scrambled on tost
I love poached eggs!
Poached, delicious!
Scrambled Eggs
Scrambled Eggs.
poached for me
Eggs any way up for me, fresh from the hens we keep.
Poached with a runny yolk & hollandaise sauce!
It depends what mood I’m in! My favourite is probably a poached egg (with runny yolk, of course :))
Soft boiled. Never runny.
Hard Boiled
Anyway at all love eggs eat at least dozen or more a week
Soft boiled with toast soldiers
Rhubarb and custard!
Boiled with a runny yolk, for dipping in my toasted soldiers 🙂
every way but especially poached
I actually like scrambled eggs the best but the rest of the family love theirs boiled and these are so stylish! Love them. x
Soft boiled eggs are my favourite and,hopefully we will soon be getting chickens so am looking forward to our own ‘home grown’ eggs!
I love my eggs in many different ways, but you cant beat a good old omelette
Hardboiled is best, then poached on toast
My favourite way to have my eggs is scrambled it tastes amazing
soft boiled eggs with Bovril toast
I like my eggs scrambled but creamy, yum
scrambled or fried but always swimming in ketchup
i love poached eggs x
Soft boiled eggs for me
I love my eggs boiled for 2 minutes exactly, and buttered soldiers on the side to dip into the eggs.
Boiled eggs I like cooked that the white part isnt gooey but can still dip a soldier in the yellow park
Scrambled with bacon on toast, or soft boiled egg with soldiers
I love eggs cooked in every way, especially served in Keith Brymer Jones’ crockery! 😀
I love scrambled eggs with black pepper.
I love my eggs poached, fried and scrambled depending what mood I’m in I love eggs though they’re so versatile. I think if I had to pick it would be boiled egg and soldiers, you’re never too old 🙂
Usually in the form of chocolate! Otherwise scrambled or fried or as an omlette.
I like mine boiled and then I dip soldiers in them!
Soft boiled with toast soldiers
I love eggs all ways, but fried is best
poached but I haven’t tasted eggs benedict yet.
In an omelette with ham, cheese and tomatoes xxx
soft boiled so I can dip my soldiers, egg perfection.
I don’t like eggs very much but can tolerate them in omlettes.
poached is my favourite
my favourite English dish is Eton Mess
I only eat egg whites unless scrambled.
soft boiled with soldiers
over easy
I love soft boiled eggs with white bread solders – yep never going to grow up even though im 52 today
Fried in butter with grated cheese sprinkled over, then flipped. Yummy.
Boiled, very runny!
I love eggs most ways but poached is my favourite!
My favourite is poached eggs
fried 😀
Hard boiled, scrambled I love all eggs x
I love a soft boiled egg with toast, delicious .x
I just love eggs! I love scrambled egg (especially on toast), fried eggs, hard-boiled eggs and poached eggs on toast! The only thing I’m not keen on are egg sandwiches!
I just love eggs! Soft boiled, sunny side up, poached – you name it, I’ll eat it!
Poached on a muffin with hollandaise sauce, yummy
Soft boiled with buttery soldiers
Soft boiled with soldiers
Soft boiled with soldiers
I love eggs full stop, but when I’m not well I do go back in time to how my lovely Nanna used to do my eggs, soft boiled and deshelled into a cup, knob of butter and a pinch of salt and all mashed up…bliss 😀
i like my eggs poached
I love boiled eggs, with toast soldiers – a little dash of sort in the egg – perfect 🙂
With a kiss…or maybe poached 🙂
i love all versions of egg but a soft fried egg with tattie scone on a roll is my fave
poached done properly in a saucepan
I love soft boiled eggs with soldiers
Scrambled, on toast, with Worcestershire sauce.
Poached eggs x
I like my eggs best in a plain French omelette. Lovely.
Perfectly poached with a good sprinkling of salt
I love poached, scrambled and boiled eggs – they are all EGG-cellent and yummytastic xxx
soft boiled eggs with nice dippy yolk for my toast soilders, this is my favourite way to enjoy my eggs as it brings back fond memories of childhood of staying the weekend at my grand parents house
Scrambled Eggs
Love Soft Boiled
Scrambled for me.