Win a £20 Amazon e-voucher

Win a £20 Amazon e-voucher from H is for Home

It’s September, the start of meteorological autumn. Have you noticed a slight chill in the air in the evenings? The sun lower in the sky? The leaves beginning to fall from the trees? We have!

Anyway, enough talk of the weather… this is our 89th successive competition, they’ve been running since August 2014 – that’s 7 years! Unfortunately, every so often, one of our comp collaborators lets us down at the last minute and we have to think on our feet.

Rather than leave our regular readers with no giveaway this month, we’ve decided to offer someone a £20 Amazon e-voucher.

To enter, simply tell us below what’s your favourite season and why. Good luck eveyone!

£20 Amazon e-voucher

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264 thoughts on “Win a £20 Amazon e-voucher

  1. Spring is my favourite season as it is full of promise for the year ahead with the beautiful flowers and leaves growing

  2. No I don’t make resolutions anymore. They usually revolved around diet etc but I found there were too many goodies leftover from Christmas/New Year so ended up breaking them quickly so don’t bother anymore.

  3. My favourite season is winter! I love it because of the darker nights (and shorter days!), the colder air & curling up underneath a blanket with a warm drink. 🙂

  4. Winter as I can close the curtains and snuggle down in a comfy chair and read a book or watch some TV drinking hot chocolate

  5. I love the Autumn season, the pretty rustic colours outside, the dark cosy evenings in, ah perfect! I call it my candle season because I can light all my pretty candles.

  6. I love the summer as I love visiting the seaside. I also like the lighter nights and spending lots of time in the garden.

  7. I love the summer because of the longer day and being able to get more jobs done. The weather is beautiful and you can visit the beach with family.

  8. Autumn is my favourite season, the time when the trees, hedgerows and gardens fill with my favourite colours and the greengrocers fill with my favourite fruits and vegetables

  9. I love Summer and I feel cheated out of it this year! 1 week above 25 degrees! I love hot weather & light evenings!

  10. My favourite season is autumn because I love the beautiful colours, cold crisp sunny mornings and Christmas is approaching.

  11. My favourite is spring, all the lovely new colours, flowers and animals and the first sign of sunshine that shows a promise of the summer months to come

  12. I love spring! It gets that little bit lighter in the mornings and stays a little lighter later but not too late that my kids refuse to go bed bed because it’s still day time.

  13. Spring is my favourite seasons, I don’t like too much heat, it’s mild enough to sit outside reading without feeling like you’re in an oven, nights are getting lighter and bright flowers start popping up. It’s also lambing season!

  14. Autumn is the best! I love the sense of change, the colours of the leaves on the trees, the crispness of the air, snuggling up in jumpers around the fire.

  15. I love the Autumn, dark nights, leaves falling off the trees, just an excuse to curl up with a good book for a night

  16. spring I plant hundreds of bulbs in the autum, forget what i’ve done and am remarkably surpired at what pops up

  17. Definitely autumn. I love the smells, the colours, the nights drawing in and it’s my wedding anniversary and my son’s birthday.

  18. I don’t have a favourite season, I like them all. Snow in winter, flowers in spring, being warm in summer and the autumn colours all make me happy!

  19. I love Spring – flowers coming through, the start of warmer weather, light nights and mornings and the dreary winter weather is over with

  20. Spring – the gorgeous flowers blooming into life, the weather being warm but not too warm…it makes me so happy!

  21. I love Autumn – the leaves changing colour, the weather being colder but the sun still shining, Halloween and Fireworks Night x

  22. Autumn, we love our nature walks collecting fallen leaves for leaf print pictures then home for a hot chocolate and cuddle up under a blanket to watch halloween films

  23. I love Autumn! The leaves all turn such lovely colours and crisp under foot, the darker evenings perfect for getting cosy with the candles and a hot drink. Just seems more relaxing than the chaos of summer and social events.

  24. My favourite season is winter – I love big, baggy, cosy clothing, blankets, candles, hot chocolate, warm meals. With the chance of snow, which is pretty magical.

  25. As a keen gardener I live the spring. Sowing tiny seeds and watching them turn into large plants never ceases to amaze me and you have the warmer weather and light nights ahead of you.

  26. I couldn’t live without my iPad. It’s my camera, my encyclopaedia, my library, my connection with friends and family via social media, my window on the world via news apps, my diary, my map book and many more things. It’s worth it’s weight in gold.

  27. Autumn is my favourite season! Usually crisp and dry (the best of both worlds!) – unlike summer which is usually floods or unbearable heat!

  28. Autumn is my favourite season! Usually crisp and dry (the best of both worlds!) – unlike summer which is usually floods or unbearable heat!

  29. Spring its not to hot or cold and new life is emerging , everything is coming back to life , not to mention the fresh mornings nothing like a foggy morning . I think as I was born in March its another reason I love spring

  30. Spring – new life, new growth, a promise of better to come. There’s nothing like seeing the gardens, fields and hedgerows burst into life. Birds singing and the sun with some warmth to it but not too much.

  31. Winter is my fave. Log fires every night, hot chocolate, warn clothes – the most snuggliest season of them alllllllllll.

  32. Summer is my favourite season. I love the light early mornings for walking my dogs in the countryside and I love being able to sit in my garden to read.

  33. Autumn – walks in the forest through crunchy leaves, curling up on the sofa with the cat in my lap and a cup of tea in front of the fire, the countdown to Christmas. Love it!

  34. Summer, it always puts me in a happier
    mood when the sun is out and shining and
    love having the kids off for some fun days out!

  35. Winter is my favourite month. It’s always enjoyable to feel cosy indoors and eat indulgent
    food while it’s cold outside. I’d rather be too cold in Winter than too hot in Summer!

  36. I really like Autumn – I’m a night owl and I like it when the evenings get darker earlier. Just lock the doors, close the curtains and snuggle down 🙂

  37. My favourite season is Autumn as the scenery is beautiful with all the different colours of the trees & bushes. The weather is just right for plenty of countryside dog walks as never too hot for them.

  38. Autumn, it’s not too cold but it’s chilly enough to wear a big jumper or cuddle up under a blanket. I love the cosyness of it.

  39. I love Summer. Feeling the hot sun rays just makes me smile. I also love the pretty summer dresses, BBQs and picnics in the park.

  40. Autumn. The days start getting shorter. You can pull out your cosy jumpers and blankets. But best of all the colours.

  41. My favourite season is Spring. It is uplifting to see the trees full of beautiful blossom, the flower bulbs coming to life, the beautiful birdsong which we treasure and the lovely baby birds and animals coming into the world.

  42. my favourite is autumn, i love the fresh air and the crunch of the
    fallen leaves when you walk on them, all the colours are stunning.

  43. Definitely Autumn/Fall for me. The weather is cooling down, lovely colours all around, crunchy leaves to run through. I also enjoy the darker nights too, sitting outside watching the stars and maybe a little fire going 🙂

  44. I love Spring. Time to get the garden going. Nights getting lighter. Weather warmer. Love getting outdoors as much as possible.

  45. autumn is my favourite. It’s not too cold but it’s cold enough to come home, get in from the cold and snuggle up under a blanket with a nice cup of tea or hot chocolate.

  46. Autumn, as the whole family & I always enjoy cosy night indoors watching exciting movie blockbusters in front of a warm fire whilst the nights draw in and the temperatures plunge. Sheer bliss!

  47. Spring is my favourite season as it represents new life, hope and a whole year of goodness ahead following the dull boring winter,

  48. I don’t have a favourite season. I just love that we have four different ones. Whatever the season or weather I just enjoy being outside to experience the different things each season offers

  49. Autumn. I love cosy jumpers and the colours of the trees. Plus my dogs are happiest when it’s a bit cooler so we can go on more walks

  50. I’m definitely a fan of autumn. I like the sunny but cool days and layering up cute clothes. No more need for horrible sunscreen, and starting to prepare for Christmas!

  51. I love Autumn! The beautiful scenery and colours of the leaves, more wildlife out in the parks like squirrels, hot drinks and crisp winds whilst outside walking in a cosy jumper!

  52. Spring is my favourite season. It’s always very welcome after a cold and wet winter. The sun shining, the flowers popping up and the warmer weather always cheer me up.

  53. Summer is my favourite season because everyone seems to be happier and spend more time outdoors and the smell of suncream and mowed grass is the best

  54. Spring time, the weather gets better it’s getting light. So able to get out more and see the lovely flowers and baby lamb

  55. Love Autumn the leaves start to turn golden and fall the cooler crisper weather lovely picturesque scenes all around

  56. I love summer, lighter nights, lots of daylight and plenty of time to do fun things. We love climbing and mountaineering and it’s much nicer and easier in the warm and dry

  57. Oh it has to be Summer these days. The bones and joints don’t seem to creak so much and the blood flows through me much better with warmth.

  58. My favourite season is Summer, I’m really not a fan of the wet and windy weather, I love to get outside and do the gardening, go to theme parks, beach days etc. I would take Summer all year round if I could

  59. I love Autumn. Something wonderful about the leaves falling from the trees, slow cooker dinners & knitted scarves. Leanne Bell.

  60. I love Autumn. Something wonderful about the leaves falling from the trees, slow cooker dinners & knitted scarves. Leanne Bell.

  61. I like all the seasons and don’t have a favourite. There is beauty and delight to be found year round in nature’s mutability.

  62. I love Autumn, the long country walks, changes in the trees, chunky knits with knee high boots, hot chocolate and cosy fires!!!

  63. Back then when I was leaving abroad I’d love the Spring most but here in the UK it is Summer as it’s the only warm season, barely.

  64. I adore winter because I love to wrap up in my cuddly clothes and boots risk walks and photos of frost on spider webs.

  65. Spring is my favourite because it’s hopefully starting to warm up and there are signs of new life everywhere – it’s a very hopeful time

  66. Spring is my favourite season, when the garden wakes up after winter, and all the spring bulbs start to flower. It always lifts my spirits.

  67. Autumn because of the goldenness of it – the last of the sunshine, the golden leaves etc and it’s my birthday too!

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