5 ways to sell your home fast

5 ways to sell your home fast

You may be thinking about selling your home; either you’re moving out of the area or you’ve outgrown your current house. Whatever the reason, there are plenty of things you need to do before listing your home for sale. If this is your first time selling a property, then have a look at the list below to find some top tips on the things you need to do if you want to sell your property as quickly as possible.


One thing you must do if you want to sell your home for a great price and as quickly as possible is to declutter. Decluttering can take some time, especially if you have a lot of stuff. It may be worth hiring a skip so you avoid endless amounts of trips to the local tip.

If once you’ve decluttered you have items you want to keep but won’t use until your home is sold, then why not hire a self storage lock-up.

Deep clean

Once you’ve decluttered, then it is time to clean your home. You wouldn’t want to buy a messy home, so you mustn’t expect others to buy your home if it’s untidy. Deep cleaning won’t take long if you have looked after your home while living there. Don’t view it as one huge job, instead take it one room at a time. If you don’t have the time or energy to clean your home, then you could always hire a cleaning company to help you out.

Use the right estate agent

Once you’ve done everything within your home, it’s time to find an estate agent to list your property. You can, of course, sell your home privately, but that means handling everything yourself. Using an agent will take a lot of the pressure off you, it will just cost you a small percentage of your home sale price. If you speak to others, they’d highly recommend using an agent. Find the one you want to use and be sure to check reviews.


Before you sell your home, you’ll need to carry out any repairs on your home. If you have a long to-do list, then now is the time to start working your way through that. The issue you could run into is smaller repairs could turn into bigger ones. The roof is a great example of this, if you notice a leak then you need to rectify this straight away. A leaky roof can lead to subsidence and issues with the foundations of your home.

Update your home

If you’re aiming to sell your home fast and for a great price, then you may need to make updates to your home. Over time, tastes will change, so your kitchen may not be as highly desirable now as it was five years ago. Look at the most recent home updates and go from there. It may be that you need to paint the walls and sort the garden out. Some updates can show off the amount of space your home has to offer, this is something buyers love to see.

Hopefully you’ve found some inspiration in this post, and it has helped you on your journey into selling your home. Remember, if buyers don’t like your home for whatever reason, then it may be worth fixing the issue. You don’t want your home languishing on the market for ages, as this can be off-putting to buyers.


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