Gimme Five! Radio-controlled wall clocks

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Selection of 5 radio-controlled wall clocks | H is for Home

The clocks go forward (or is it back?) this Saturday night into Sunday morning. We’re looking forward to those lighter nights. Thankfully, the time on smartphones and computers gets updated automatically. We have a number of wall clocks dotted around the house that need to be manually changed twice a year. Radio-controlled wall clocks make this task a thing of the past.

We’ve got a great selection to share with you – something for everyone and every pocket, we think. The traditionalist, the gadget freak and the colour lover.

  1. Jumbo wall clock with thermometer: £34.99, Oregon Scientific
  2. Unity Lytham radio-controlled wall clock: £29.80, Amazon
  3. Red Precision radio-controlled wall clock: £14.99, Argos
  4. Lascelles radio-controlled wall clock: £60, John Lewis
  5. TFA Dostmann analogue radio-controlled wall clock: £95.99, Wayfair

Charity Vintage: Anstey and Wilson starburst clock

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vintage Anstey and Wilson starburst clock for sale by & in support of Isabel Hospice
(ends 17 Oct, 2014 15:20:39 BST)

This vintage Anstey and Wilson starburst clock is currently for sale on eBay for Charity by & in support of Isabel Hospice*.

Anstey and Wilson were a Birmingham-based electro plated ware manufacturing company and appear to have been trading right up until the late 1990s when it was dissolved.

They produced lots of different designs of starburst/sunburst clocks in teak and brass. Their looks and quality are on a par with (often more expensive) Seth Thomas examples. This one is ‘buy it now’ for £50 with £7 postage. We don’t think the listing will last its whole course – there are already 27 people who have put it in their watch list!

*Isabel Hospice is a charity needing to raise nearly £4 million per annum to provide their free services to the people of eastern Hertfordshire. Their ethos is that they treat the whole person, not simply the illness. They offer a complete hospice service through their team of Community Nurse Specialists, a 16-bed, in-patient hospice, a day hospice, outreach day hospices, hospice at home and a family support and bereavement service.

Etsy List: Clockwatching

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'Clockwatching' Etsy List' curated by H is for Home

Clocks and watches are almost things of the past thanks to everyone having a mobile phone with time, date, alarm and even timer functions.

Week days during my early school life began with me slamming down on the knob of a purple Westclox ‘Big Ben’ pedestal clock. Years later, this gave way to a boxy Sony Digimatic clock alarm radio. Today, we still have a Sony clock alarm radio – this time, a Dream Machine – shaped like a cube with LED numbers and snooze button. A ticking clock, like a dripping tap, would keep me awake all night!

We have a fantastic vintage Seth Thomas starburst clock in our lounge and another Metamec version on the top floor – both beautiful mid century modern icons!

Curated by H is for Home

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Charity Vintage: Mauthe mantle clock

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vintage Mauthe mantle clock for sale on eBay for Charity by & on behalf of British Heart Foundation (ends 2 Mar, 2014 20:00:19 GMT)

One of our most popular images on Flickr is a 1950s pink-striped Mauthe alarm clock. It’s been blogged, reblogged, borrowed, pinned and liked all around the web.

British Heart Foundation* has an elegant, Mauthe mantle clock for sale on eBay for Charity at the moment. A solid wood surround and attractive brown face with gold-coloured metal hands and hour markers. It chimes, which I always find a quite comforting sound – you don’t get many chiming clocks any more!

*British Heart Foundation is the nation’s heart charity. They help save lives with information, patient care and pioneering research. With your support, they’re beating heart disease for good.