How well do you know your neighbours?

How well do you know your neighbours?

We’re working in partnership on this post with Rattan Direct to find out, “How well do you know your neighbours?“.

There are a few things that have helped us feel part of our local community.

Row of red brick terraced houses

Length of time lived in our home

We’ve lived at our current address for 15 years; most of our neighbours have been here even longer than that. If we have a quick think, we probably know the neighbours pretty well in the seven or eight houses in either direction along our street. We say hello and often stop and have a chat when we see each other. As we work from home, we’re generally pottering about, which makes it more likely that we see people – we’re also available to take in post – and water plants or feed pets if people go away.

Three girls out dog walking

We’re a neighbourhood of animal lovers

Almost half of our neighbours have one or more dogs. The ones that don’t, have a cat… or birds… or tortoises – but more of them later!

Taking a dog for a walk is a guaranteed way of getting to know people. We must know the names of all the dogs within a 3-mile radius of our house… and many of the owners’ names too. Dogs must be the second most popular topic of conversation after the weather!

Flooded streets in Morpethcredit

We’ve pulled together in the face of adversity

Nothing helps you get to know your neighbours better than a shared misfortune. That’s why you hear lots of older people referring to the war as almost a happy time. People pulled together and supported each other as their homes were being bombed or other sacrifices being made.

The homes & businesses on our street have flooded – or have almost – on a few occasions. We’ve helped each other trying to keep the water out that lapped at our front doors. We’ve borrowed, lent and shared brooms and mops and sandbags. We’ve worked together to attach flood barriers to doors as the river level steadily rose. We’ve talked to each other about insurance companies and local authority grants and recommended building companies and workmen. We’ve even had to return a tortoise we found marooned in our garden to neighbours who live a few doors away!

How well you know your neighbours? Take Rattan Direct’s survey to find out.
