How pets affect your household: A guide

How pets affect your household: A guide

Getting a pet can be great, but it isn’t something you should rush into without giving a lot of prior thought. Many people assume that owning a pet is easy and that it won’t affect their day-to-day lives in any significant way, but that simply isn’t true. The reality is that owning a pet will affect your household in many ways, and many of them can be negative.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get a pet, as there are many positives to it as well, but it does mean that you should be aware of what you’re getting yourself into before taking the plunge.

Pets can smell unpleasant

Most types of pets can smell unpleasant at times. And yes, that includes low-maintenance pets like fish and birds, especially if you don’t clean their fish bowls or cages regularly.

Dogs and cats can also sometimes have a foul odour. At times, this simply means that they need a bath, but it can also be that their hormones or other factors are causing them to smell whiffy. And of course, if they have an accident in the house, especially on a rug or carpet, that scent can linger. However, don’t let this scare you off from having a pet, as there are companies that specialise in pet odor removal.

Pets can destroy your belongings

Dogs and cats can scratch and chew your belongings until they’re damaged beyond repair. Even if you take steps to avoid this, there’s still the chance that your pet may destroy a few items here & there, especially if they’re still young.

Bear in mind that this doesn’t just refer to small, easily replaceable items like shoes, but also larger or more valuable belongings. For example, your pet could chew on the legs of your sofa, or they could damage your screen door.

Pets can shed

Pets also shed, which means that if you own a dog or a cat, the odds are that you, your furniture and your home’s floor will always be covered in dog or cat fur.

If this is something that will bother you, or if you have severe allergies, it may be best to opt for another type of pet, such as a fish or hamster. However, if you have your heart set on a dog or cat, there are ways to cope with the shedding. You can get a breed of dog that doesn’t shed, or you could invest in gadgets that easily remove pet hair from your clothes.

Pets fill your house with love

Of course, since we’ve spent the whole post so far talking about a few negative ways that a pet can affect your household, you may be wondering why so many people still have pets, or why you should still consider getting one.

Simply put, despite all the cons that may come with owning a pet, there are also many pros – with the biggest one being that a pet is bound to fill your house with love. If you have kids, you should also consider getting a pet for their benefit, as pets can have a positive influence on children. You can learn more about that here.


How to show your mum you appreciate her

How to show your mum you appreciate her

You don’t have to wait until Mother’s Day to show your mum that you appreciate her. You could clean the house for her when she’s had a tough day at work or send her a surprise present. Make memories with your mum and let her know just how much you love her.

Here are a few ideas on how you can show your mum you appreciate her.

Box covered in pink wrapping paper with a pink & red bow

Give her a gift

Give your mum a chocolate hamper to say thank you for something she did for you recently, or just as a kind gesture. You don’t need a reason to send a gift – often, the best gifts are the unexpected ones.

Person filming a video

Create a video

If your siblings live all over the country or even the world, your mum might be missing having you all together. You could create a compilation video for her and have each sibling record a little message about how much they appreciate her. You could talk about a special memory or give her an update on where your life is right now.

If video editing isn’t your strong point, create a photo album instead. Print off some old family photos and stick them into a journal with a caption under each one. Share your early memories and ask each member of your family to submit a few photos as well. Your mum can cherish the photo album for years to come.

Two huge cruise ships in harbour

Take her on holiday

Go big or go home, right? Book a holiday for you and your mum so you can spend some quality time together. Many families spent months apart in the last year or more and missed out on major holiday get-togethers such as Christmas. Take your mum on a fun holiday and make sure there are a few days of relaxation booked in as well. You could take her somewhere she’s always wanted to go – or surprise her with a nostalgic destination!

Man & boy cleaning a bath

Clean her house

Sometimes all your mum needs is a little bit of help around the house. Surprise her by cleaning the house when she’s at work so she can come home to a relaxing and tidy space. Finish the gesture off with a vase of fresh flowers on the kitchen table and a note saying how much you love her.

You could even set out a glass of wine and a pizza ready for her to eat when she gets home. If your mum has a chaotic life, she’ll probably appreciate a chance to relax alone over a fun-filled activity day.

Do something to show your mum you love and appreciate her today!


Classic models – gifts for Christmas, Grandad will love

Classic models - gifts for Christmas, Grandad will love | H is for Home

Often we can worry a lot about how our gifts for Christmas will be received. We just hope our children and spouse like what we got them and don’t have to put on an Oscar-worthy performance, hiding their true feelings. However, what we sometimes forget is, gifts matter to the older generation too. Have you ever thought about what grandad might want? It’s tough shopping for elderly people because we tend to think they wouldn’t like the kinds of gifts we normally buy. However, it’s not really all that difficult. Just think about the categories in which you shop, and then date them back a few decades. If you’re buying someone a particular gift, how could you do something similar for your grandparents? Something simple and that reminds them of how things used to be would be great. But grandads like to have fun too, they like to enjoy the finer things in life, just like your children.

Creating a model

They say aviation had its golden years after the war. During the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s are when jet aircraft really started to become more and more advanced. They were also, not so tied down with aerodynamic desires so they were also much more beautiful. No doubt your grandparents have a memory of two, of the kinds of airplanes they saw with their own eyes. That’s why you should buy a model aircraft kit for your grandad this Christmas. It’s a hark back to his days when he witnessed the jet age. It’s great fun because a model aircraft kit is similar to a puzzle. It requires patience and dedication but at the end of it, there’s a big reward. In fact, the reward is even greater because the model aircraft can be hung from ceilings or displayed in cabinets.

Try to be subtle when asking your grandad what kinds of aircraft he likes from his younger days. You may find that he likes fighter jets more than passenger airliners. On the other hand, he may be infatuated with World War Two aircraft such as the Spitfire, Tempest, P51 Mustang, Messerschmitt, etc. When you find out exactly what he likes and holds as his most fond memory, go onto Airfix to find the model.

A touch of class

Back in the old days, trains were the most advanced form of transport. Even the earliest jet liners weren’t as advanced as some of the trains that were skipping around the country. In fact, the jets were much simpler, with far fewer moving parts.

Trains, on the other hand, were still using steam power with many pistons, camshafts, gears and pressure valves all working at the same time to produce monumental amounts of horsepower. So, to take your grandad back to those days where travelling on trains was a classy thing to do with these model trains. These classic models many of which are from the 50s. Able to hit 75 mph in their heyday, there’s something so elegant about these somewhat antique machines. They also have 60s models which slowly began using diesel-powered engines. You can see the evolution of the trains from being blocky to much more streamlined and sleek while moving through the air.

Sleek and fast

The Le Mans racing event has never been as huge as it was during the 50, 60s and 70s. It was a time when aerodynamics was just starting to become the most important factor in car design. It was also when racing cars began to punch through 200mph down the straight. If your grandad remembers these days of GT racing, then you should give him a classic car model kit for Christmas. It’s easily one of the more fun things to build when it comes to model kits. It’s simple, easy and doesn’t have too many fiddly bits. These cars were sleek and fast. They were also the most beautiful cars ever created, some might say. Pick from the Jaguar D-type, Ferrari GTO, Aston Martin, Bentley and Porsches. All kinds of manufacturers took part in these events, so you have quite the selection of model kits to choose from.

Christmas is about the simple things and enjoying what you love to do. So, give your grandad a present that he will love to put together himself. Whether it’s model trains you can put on an electric track to play with, a model airplane of a fighter jet, or perhaps a 200mph sleek Le Mans racing car that can be fitted together, it’s a blast from the past that will play up to fond memories.


Staying close to family who live far away

Staying close to family who live far away

It used to be that multi-generation families would all live together. It wasn’t so much that humans recognised the value of living together as a clan, although there surely are advantages, but that it was the most practical option. The world was less interconnected than it is today; there were fewer opportunities for people to move away and follow their dreams, and so on. Now, families could be spread out not just across the country, but across the world. So how do you stay in contact and keep the closeness, with so many miles in between? We take a look at a few options below.

Girl in a mustard coloured blouse holding an old fashioned telephone

Regular calls

Spare a thought for those people who did set sail for new lands when they were younger. They’d get on a ship and hope that they would one day return to see the people they loved. If they wanted to stay in touch, they had to write a letter that may or may not get there, and in any case, would take months to arrive anyway. Now, we’ve got a gift that’s often overlooked: the power of talking to people thousands of miles away… as if they were in the same room. With a strong internet connection, you can even see their faces. Make a habit of calling weekly, or, even better, having a video chat using Skype. Conduct a search for internet providers in my area and you’ll find high speed providers, even in rural locations. It can take a bit of getting used to, but eventually, you’ll slip into it, and it’ll feel normal.

People waiting for a train

Pay a visit

Your distant relatives hopefully aren’t living on Mars. They’re somewhere on this planet, and if they got there, then so can you. Next time you have some vacation time, why not look at paying them a visit? There’s nothing like visiting loved ones in strange destinations. You’ll have a great time just because you’re there with them, but then there’s also the matter of exploring their new home, it’s win-win. And then, of course, you can invite them to visit you. You can be anywhere in the world in a matter of hours these days – make the most of it!

Making a group video message

Celebration surprises

Staying in touch is a good start, but it’s also important to go the extra mile from time to time. It’ll help retain the closeness. Let’s take those big celebratory moments, such as their birthday or Christmas. Instead of sending a text, look at doing something special. You can make a video, for example. If it’s a big file, then use a torrent app for Mac for hosting. A personalised video message (or anything else) will show that you’re not just going through the motions, but that you really care.

Writing a letter with a fountain pen

Long letters

It’s true that it’s hard to retain that real closeness when you’re far away. Closeness means sharing innermost thoughts, and knowing where they are in life. To achieve this from a distance, look at getting into the habit of writing one another long letters. People rarely get handwritten letters through the post these days, but they’re always thrilled to receive them. Plus, you’ll find that they’re highly rewarding to write.
