Price Points: Metallic palm tree lighting

Metallic palm tree lighting | H is for Home

If you’re aiming to create a luxe interior, the black & metallic combo is a must have. Dark grey, even black, painted or papered walls set off perfectly gold, brass, bronze and copper accessories.

Flora & fauna motifs are also all the interior rage at the moment; think cacti and succulents, butterflies, exotic birds and wild flowers. You won’t go wrong with one of these exotic palm tree lighting choices. Team them with statement Edison filament bulbs for an even more opulent setting.

  1. Dar Lighting Hachi 72cm table lamp: £69.99, Wayfair
  2. Montserrat leaf ceiling light, gold: £450.00, John Lewis & Partners
  3. Palm Trees floor lamp in gold: £945, Out There Interiors

shop metallic palm tree lighting

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Prices & links correct at time of publication.

Palm Trees floor lamp in gold
Palm Trees floor lamp in gold
Montserrat leaf ceiling light, gold
Montserrat leaf ceiling light, gold
Dar Lighting Hachi 72cm table lamp
Dar Lighting Hachi 72cm table lamp
Palm Trees floor lamp in gold
Palm Trees floor lamp in gold
Montserrat leaf ceiling light, gold
Montserrat leaf ceiling light, gold
Dar Lighting Hachi 72cm table lamp
Dar Lighting Hachi 72cm table lamp
Palm Trees floor lamp in gold
Palm Trees floor lamp in gold
Montserrat leaf ceiling light, gold
Montserrat leaf ceiling light, gold
Dar Lighting Hachi 72cm table lamp
Dar Lighting Hachi 72cm table lamp
Palm Trees floor lamp in gold
Palm Trees floor lamp in gold
Montserrat leaf ceiling light, gold
Montserrat leaf ceiling light, gold
Dar Lighting Hachi 72cm table lamp
Dar Lighting Hachi 72cm table lamp
Palm Trees floor lamp in gold
Palm Trees floor lamp in gold
Montserrat leaf ceiling light, gold
Montserrat leaf ceiling light, gold
Dar Lighting Hachi 72cm table lamp
Dar Lighting Hachi 72cm table lamp

Etsy List: Shoots and leaves

'Etsy List' blog post banner

'Shoots and leaves' Etsy List curated by H is for Home

I loved Lynne Truss’ book, Eats, Shoots & Leaves. Like her, I’m a real stickler when it comes to (redundant) apostrophes, Oxford commas (I don’t use them) and punctuation marks in general. I compose text messages, emails and tweets with as much correct punctuation and as little abbreviation as possible – a real editorial feat sometimes!

That book title was the inspiration for this week’s Etsy List post. I must go back and re-read it soon!

Shoots and leaves
Curated by H is for Home

Etsy banner

A leaf out of our book

potato print of tree with birds
Our current series of blog posts is looking at the inspiration of nature on artists- previous themes being fish, birds and flowers.

leaf shaped art glass dish

This week we’re putting leaves & leaf-inspired designs into the spotlight. Sometimes it’s the whole object that takes the form of a leaf as with the glass dish above, but more often it’s the decoration.

Cathrineholm lotus pattern enamel kettle Cathrineholm lotus design enamel coffee pot

Lotus pattern enamelware designed by Grete Prytz Kittelsen for Cathrineholm of Norway – produced in many colours including green, yellow, blue, red, orange and black. Leaves lend themselves very well to simple, pared down designs.

detail of1950s waste paper basket detail of plate
1950s leaf detailing

The repeating pattern of leaves on a stem is very strong visually.

Iden Pottery vase Rambouillet plate
Iden Pottery vase :: Boch Rambouillet plate

tall jug by Villeroy & BochVilleroy & Boch jug

One of favourite designers, Stig Lindberg, used a very similar repeating leaf pattern to great effect in his Berså collection for Gustavsberg.

Berså Enamelware kettle designed by Stig LindbergBerså enamelware kettle

Grete Prytz Kittelsen and Stig Lindberg along with many other influential Scandinavian designers are covered in a great book – Scandinavian Design, Charlotte & Peter Fiell.
Designs were sometimes more free-flowing as in this 1950s Wade Pottery cup & saucer.

1950s Wade pottery cup & saucer

All the pieces above date from the 1950s, 60s and 70s – here are a couple of older examples. We love these rustic iron candle holders and have got quite a collection!

leaf shaped iron candle holder leaf shaped iron candle holder
Victorian candle holders

PS – We’re not sure precisely which day yet- but the H is for Home website is going live next week. We’ll be doing our next blog on the day we go live- so stay tuned!