Designer Desire: George Westren

Montage of George Westren op art prints

This week, we read a fascinating and, at the same time, sad story on the Guardian website about the virtually unknown op artist, George Westren.

Apparently, he died in 2021 and his housing association home was recently being cleared out. A mere week ago (20th June 2022), near neighbour, Alan Warburton, happened to see all his artworks being dumped in a skip by the removal company. Luckily, Alan managed to retrieve his portfolio; alas, not all of the artworks.

Alan didn’t know George all that well in life, but after rescuing some of his work, he embarked on a mission to find out more about him. Thanks to a Twitter post that went viral, George Westren has gained global recognition. Friends and family have been contacted and they have shared their information and stories.

The artworks in the portfolio have been made into prints and are now available to purchase. Prices range from £70 to £100. Proceeds will be going towards mounting an exhibition of George’s work and securing its preservation and safe storage.

Portrait of George Westrencredit

Geometric lines kept me on the straight and narrow

All other images: © George Westren