N is for… New

"N is for... New" blog post banner

collection of fabric doorstops / bookends handmade by Sarah Nicol

green fabric doorstop / bookend handmade by Sarah Nicol green fabric doorstop / bookend handmade by Sarah Nicol

We’re known for vintage here at H is for Home

collection of greeting cards by artist Gail Kelly featuring British trees, all taken from original linocuts hand-printed onto Irish linen

greeting card by artist Gail Kelly featuring an apple tree, taken from an original linocut hand-printed onto Irish linen

…but we also like to stock a smattering of new items too.

washing line display of 100% cotton hopsack tea towels designed and hand screen printed by Skinny laMinx in Cape Town, South Africa

100% cotton hopsack tea towel designed and hand screen printed by Skinny laMinx in Cape Town, South Africa. This design is entitled Borrowed Spoons

Things that we think sit well – contemporary products with a vintage or folk art feel.

vintage coffee set with cafetiere cosy handmade and embroidered by Janie (Knitted Textiles)

cafetiere cosy handmade and embroidered by Janie (Knitted Textiles)

We look for a handmade aspect too. These are a few examples – all currently available on our website.

Friday Folks – Heather Moore

'Friday Folks' blog post banner

Collection of handmade purses using Skinny laMinx fabric | H is for Home

Here’s the second instalment in our new series of Friday Folks. The introductory post about was really well received and like us, many people found Dee amazing. We’re certain that Heather Moore of Skinny laMinx will be equally inspirational! We stocked Heather’s products in our H is for Home shop When we launched – and they’ve always proved really popular.

green dotted horizontal line

Who are you & what do you do?
I’m Heather Moore and I’m an illustrator and surface designer. I have a label called Skinny laMinx, for which I design and produce fabrics, make things with my fabrics, and also do other bits and bobs.

portrait of Heather Moore, aka Skinny laMinx

How did you get into the business?
As with most things, I kind of fell into it by chance. I was tired of all the illustration work I’d been doing, so started doing some screenprinting and showing what I’d done on my blog, and I got a good reaction, so I made more. There’s been very little planning along the way, I have to admit.

cushion covered in Skinny laMinx 'Eep' fabric sitting on a vintage circular wicker chair

Who or what inspires you?
I’m inspired by people who do things properly, with energy, integrity and pride. Barry, the guy who recently renovated the back of our apartment building, was a total inspiration in the way he worked hard, used the best materials, and stood by his work with pride. Love that! I’m also inspired by the way things were made and the way they looked in the 50s and 60s, and especially the things that came out of Scandinavia. I love textiles from that era, and the colours that were popular. Somehow, it just works for me.

Skinny laMinx Frankenflower mug

What has been your greatest success?
Well, I think the question should be more along the lines of “what’s the biggest dose of luck you’ve had?”, as I’ve just been incredibly fortunate with all the wonderful opportunities that have fallen into my lap. I’m very thrilled to have Heath Ceramics stocking my things, and I’m thrilled at all the wonderful media coverage Skinny laMinx has got. Right now though, I think my biggest dose of luck is to have found the perfect person to help me run Skinny laMinx, as it was starting to become too much for me to handle.

Skinny laMinx 'cloud birds' fabric with scissors Laser cut Skinny laMinx brown card tags with ball of brown string

Have you got any advice for someone wanting to break into the business?
Really, as I’ve just stumbled my way along with no planning, foresight or vision, I’m not sure I’d be a good dispenser of advice. However, I do think that hard work, friendliness and generosity counts for a lot. Keeping a blog on which you record your work, inspiration and thoughts is also a valuable thing to do. It’s useful on a personal level, as it’s a great discipline and way of keeping track of what you’re up to, and it’s also a good insight for anyone interested in supporting your business, as it’ll give them some insight into who you are and where you’re going.

If you’re the owner of any of Skinny laMinx‘s beautiful things, there’s a Flickr group where you can share your love!