Staying calm after the storm: What to do about storm damage

Staying calm after the storm: What to do about storm damage

There have been a fair few storms this year, with some of the most severe causing serious storm damage to homes and property. A storm is unpredictable, and until it’s over, you won’t know what you’re dealing with.

Storm damage comes in many forms, causing a lot of stress to families. As you get over the initial shock, you can get to work on repairing the damage and get your home back in order. Have a look at some of the ways you can assess and address the damage and find the calm after the storm.

Assess your damage

Once the storm has cleared, and it’s safe, you can start assessing damage to your home. Some of the most commonly affected areas include garden fences, roofs, windows and doors. Minor damage like broken garden furniture can be taken care of easily, but more significant damage will need further assessment by experts.

Consult your insurers

If your home requires some major repairs, then you should contact your insurers to make a claim. This can ease a lot of the stress that comes with dealing with storm damage, as they will likely take care of the repairs on your behalf. When claiming for storm damage, it’s important to be as detailed and organised as possible. Make detailed notes, keep track of costs and take plenty of photos. Your claim will be assessed by a loss adjuster before being passed onto the underwriter to decide if your claim is accepted or not.

Take care of the initial clean-up

You may need to wait for some of the repairs to be carried out, especially if you’re dealing with significant damage. However, for the minor damage, you can get to work straight away to clean it up. Clear any broken glass and debris and try to restore some semblance of order. You may find things look a lot less severe once you’ve cleared away some of the initial mess.

Bring in some help

The worst storm damage will likely need some professional help to repair. Leaks, damage to your garden and roof repair require experienced expert hands to ensure they’re repaired properly and prevent further damage. These works can take some time to be commenced and completed. This could mean you may need to move to temporary, alternative accommodation if the repairs are going to cause some inconvenience in your home – like a loss of water, for example. Depending on your policy, your insurance company could arrange this for you.

Avoid attempting to fix major damage yourself, you could injure yourself or make things worse. Dealing with storm damage can be frustrating, especially if you’re concerned about the financial cost of your repairs. But assessing the damage immediately and taking action can help you get things taken care of more swiftly, so you can get back to normality. Preparing your home against future storms could help you avoid further damage to your home, helping you feel more confident the next time there’s a severe weather warning.


Learn how your car insurance premiums are calculated: Factors that impact it

Learn how your car insurance premiums are calculated: Factors that impact it

Understanding how your car insurance premiums are determined can help you make informed decisions and potentially save you money on your coverage. Insurance companies consider several factors when calculating your premiums, including your driving record, the type of car you drive, your location and even your credit score.

By taking the time to learn how car insurance premiums are calculated, you’ll gain insight into how each of these factors affects the amount you pay and how you may be able to reduce your costs over time.

Understanding car insurance premiums

Car insurance premiums represent the charges for purchasing auto insurance coverage. Insurance companies determine these expenses through a comprehensive process that considers several aspects.

The process involves gauging the risk associated with providing insurance to you and your car.

The intent is to evaluate the probability of you filing an insurance claim and the potential cost associated with such a claim.

Factors like your driving history, age, geographical location and the make of your car are taken into account.

The amount of coverage you require is also a significant consideration.

How are car insurance premiums calculated?

Insurance companies use a complex formula to determine car insurance premiums. They consider your driving record, age, location and type of car.

Each factor affects the risk they take to insure you. The higher the risk, the more you pay. Factors like age, driving history and vehicle type greatly influence your insurance rates.

Factors that influence car insurance premiums

Car insurance premiums are calculated based on a variety of factors that assess the level of risk that you pose as a driver. Insurance companies use these factors to determine the likelihood of you filing a claim and how expensive that claim might be. Here’s a breakdown of some of those key factors:

Driver-related factors

  • Age and driving experience: Younger and less experienced drivers generally pay higher premiums due to statistically higher accident rates. As you gain experience and establish a clean driving record, your premiums tend to decrease.
  • Driving history: Your past driving behaviour significantly impacts your premiums. Accidents, traffic violations and DUI convictions all signal higher risk and lead to increased costs.
  • Credit score: In many places, insurance companies use your credit score as an indicator of responsibility. A higher credit score suggests you’re more likely to pay premiums on time and less likely to file claims, resulting in lower premiums.


  • Where you live: Your location plays a significant role in determining your premium. Urban areas with high population density and higher rates of accidents, theft and vandalism typically have higher premiums compared to rural areas.
  • Where you park: Parking your car in a garage overnight can lower your premium compared to parking on the street, as it reduces the risk of theft or damage.

Vehicle-related factors

The type and value of your vehicle significantly affect your car insurance premium. Generally, the more expensive or newer your car is, the higher the insurance cost will be. The car you drive significantly influences your insurance premium. Here’s how:

  • Vehicle type and value:
    • Type: Sports cars, luxury vehicles and SUVs generally cost more to insure due to their higher value, potential for speed and increased repair costs. Conversely, safer, more economical vehicles tend to have lower premiums.
    • Value: The more expensive your car, the more it will cost to replace or repair, leading to higher premiums. Depreciation also plays a role; newer cars lose value quickly, affecting the potential payout in a claim.
  • Safety features: Cars equipped with advanced safety features like anti-lock brakes, airbags and electronic stability control can lower your premium. These features reduce the likelihood and severity of accidents, making you a less risky driver.
  • Vehicle usage: How you use your vehicle impacts your premium.
    • Annual mileage: The more you drive, the higher your risk of accidents. High-mileage drivers generally pay more.
    • Commuting vs. pleasure: Regular commuting often increases premiums due to more time spent in traffic and higher chances of accidents.
    • Business use: If you use your car for business purposes, you’ll likely need a commercial policy, which is usually more expensive than personal auto insurance.

Policy-related factors

Car insurance premiums are influenced by several policy-related factors. These include the coverage levels and deductibles you choose, as well as your claim history.

The extent of your insurance coverage and the amount of deductible you select can significantly impact your premium costs.

Insurance company discounts can also affect your car insurance premium. Being eligible for specific discounts, such as those for safety features like airbags and anti-lock brakes, can lower your overall premium costs.

  • Coverage levels and deductibles

Insurance coverage levels and deductibles play a significant role in determining your car insurance premiums.

When you choose higher coverage levels, you’re asking the insurance company to pay out more in case of an accident or claim.

This generally leads to higher premiums. On the contrary, opting for a higher deductible can help reduce your premium, as you agree to pay more out-of-pocket before your insurance kicks in.

  • Discounts

To help reduce your car insurance premiums, take advantage of available cost-saving opportunities.

Insurers frequently offer savings for various reasons such as maintaining a clean driving record, bundling multiple policies, completing a defensive driving course or even achieving good grades for student drivers.

Equipping safety features such as airbags and anti-lock brakes can also make you eligible for lower costs.

  • Claim history

When examining car insurance premiums, your claim history is essential in establishing the rates you pay. Insurers evaluate your claims history to assess the probability of future claims.

If you have a track record of making multiple claims, particularly at-fault ones, it may lead to increased premiums.

On the other hand, a spotless claims history without recent accidents or filed claims can work to your advantage and potentially lead to reduced insurance premiums.

Why do younger drivers pay more for car insurance?

Car insurance companies charge younger drivers higher premiums due to their lesser driving experience and statistical evidence showing they are more prone to accidents.

The 16-24 age group has the highest risk of any age group for car accidents, primarily due to having less experience on the road.

Studies show that younger drivers are more likely to engage in behaviours that carry risk while driving, leading insurance providers to adjust premiums accordingly.

These factors contribute to the increased cost for young drivers, as insurers assess them as higher-risk candidates compared to older, more experienced drivers with a cleaner track record.

Do I get a discount for safety features like airbags and anti-lock brakes?

After understanding why younger drivers pay more for car insurance, it’s important to recognise that having safety features like airbags and anti-lock brakes can lead to discounts on your premiums.

Car insurance companies frequently provide discounts for vehicles equipped with such safety features, as they lower the risk of injury in accidents.

According to industry data, vehicles with airbags and anti-lock brakes are statistically involved in fewer severe accidents, making them less of a financial burden for insurers.

Therefore, having these safety features can have a positive effect on your car insurance premiums by potentially decreasing the overall cost.

Final thoughts

Understanding how car insurance premiums are calculated can help you make more informed decisions about your coverage. It’s an idea to do your research and shop around to get the best (not necessarily cheapest) deal for you.

Several factors, such as driver-related details, vehicle specifications and policy choices, influence the cost. Considerations like age, driving history, vehicle type and safety features all play a role in determining your premium. By understanding these points and how they impact your rates, you can take steps to potentially lower your car insurance costs.


Can I claim for water leak damage on my home insurance?

Can I claim for water leak damage on my home insurance? | H is for Home

Water damage is one of the most well-known reasons for home insurance claims. As indicated by home insurance survey, water penetration claims are the second most significant insurance claim, following wind and hail damage.

Water leaks are a relatively common issue. Fortunately, most water leaks are minor, but more serious issues can be expensive to put right. Before you spend any money on water leak repairs, you should be clear about what expenditure is covered by your home insurance policy and what isn’t.

fantasy image of a house flooding

Should you always make an insurance claim?

Whether you should make a claim or not will depend on the nature and the extent of the damage to your home. If the damage is only minor and you’re able to fix it on your own, then it usually doesn’t make sense to file an insurance claim.

Wrenches on water pipes

How to make a claim

If you’re going to make a claim, you should do so as soon as possible after you identify the issue. If you wait too long then it can ultimately jeopardise your claim, as insurers often reject claims that are filed too long after an incident.

The first part of the process is to document the incident. You should begin by taking photographs of any visible damage. Keep a log of every professional that you contact and make sure that you get documentation from them for any work that they carry out.

Soldering a pipe

Trace and access cover

In some cases, especially where a leak is particularly severe, the presence of water will give it away. However, many leaks occur behind walls or under floors, or in other places where they aren’t immediately obvious. If you don’t know where your leak originates then you can’t begin to fix the issue. There are businesses like Pinpoint Trace and Access that offer essential trace and access services. They’ll locate the source of your water leak and provide you with the necessary paperwork for which your insurance company will ask.

Check the details of your insurance policy to see if it includes trace and access cover. If it does, then you can reclaim the costs of hiring a professional trace and access service like Pinpoint.

Frozen outdoor pipe with icicles

Avoid common mistakes

Other than waiting too long to file a claim, which will count against you with your insurer, there are a couple of other things that you should avoid doing in the interest of your claim. First and foremost, if your insurer determines that you could have prevented the leak from occurring to begin with, they’re likely to deny your claim. It’s therefore important that you look after your home’s plumbing.

You should also be aware that you cannot claim for general wear and tear. In order for your insurance to cover the costs of a water leak, there must be a single identifiable cause for it to have occurred.

If you only suffer a minor water leak and you’re able to easily solve the issue yourself, filing an insurance claim is probably overkill. However, before you start spending money on professional services to help you fix your leak, make sure that you check the terms & conditions of your insurance policy to see what is and isn’t covered.


The beginner’s guide to life insurance

The beginner's guide to life insurance | H is for Home

When taking out a life insurance policy, you’ll rely on the cover to offer stable financial protection to your family after your death. Needless to say, it’s best to do some research before choosing and committing to an insurance policy. This will ensure you’re receiving the best coverage possible at the best value. This post offers a guide to life insurance options, as well as throws in some tips on how to manage it.

Illustration of a mother & child

Why should you take out life insurance?

Before choosing a life insurance policy, it’s recommended that you determine exactly why you need insurance coverage. Below are some examples:

: Buying a new home

Life insurance policy payouts can provide a partner or family assistance in paying off a property mortgage after your death.

: Having children

If you die before your children are adults, a life insurance policy payout can provide children with education and care while they are growing up.

: Leaving a legacy

Life insurance policies can offer any surviving relatives an inheritance upon your death. This is known as ‘leaving a legacy‘.

: The funeral costs

Some life insurance policies provide the remaining family members with a lump sum to pay for funeral costs.

Illustration of man and older man

How much coverage is suitable?

Typically, the more protection or coverage offered by the life insurance policy, the higher the premium rate. For instance, if you’re seeking to cover a mortgage, you should consider how much coverage you will need for this. Life insurance calculators can be used to clarify the amount.

If you’re looking to provide family members with a stable income after your death, it might be useful to determine the current expenses and consider any possible future costs. Weighing up these amounts can help you identify an accurate figure.

If you’re over the age of 50 and are interested in leaving a legacy for your family, or to help the family pay funeral costs, the policy coverage is dependent on what you can afford to pay regarding the insurance premiums.

Read more about the various types of life insurance policies.

Illustration of a pair of hands holding a house

How long should the insurance policy last?

When purchasing a life insurance policy, the coverage can last for a fixed length of time or for the rest of your life. Policies lasting a set period is known as a term. This is beneficial if, for example, you want to cover the house mortgage. Insurance policies to help with household expenses tend to last 25 years or less offering the family a financial safety net. Term insurance is often more appropriate than a long-lasing insurance policy.

If you plan on remaining healthy and outliving all of your relatives, then good for you! Unfortunately, term insurance has a disadvantage in that there is no payout if you live longer than the policy term. In this case, it may be worthwhile considering a different type of insurance policy. On the other hand, if you plan on taking out a policy with the aim of providing an inheritance, the whole-of-life insurance option could be a better choice.

Arm holding out a life-saving ring to another

Should the level of life insurance change with time?

If you choose to take an insurance policy out with the aim of covering a mortgage, the amount owed will fall as monthly repayments are made. So, it makes sense that the level of life insurance reduces with the loan amount. This is known as decreasing term insurance where premium rates are lower than the level term insurance. Level term insurance remains fixed through the policy term.

Illustration of a woman holding a question mark with a life insurance policy in the background

Should you obtain life insurance coverage for your partner?

In the majority of cases, the primary earner in a family would take out a life insurance policy. However, even if the individual’s partner earns less or is a stay-at-home parent, there can still be a serious financial impact if they die. If you have children, you may need to consider the costs of childcare and domestic work.

When taking out coverage for both partners, you could purchase a joint life insurance policy or use separate policies. The join insurance option will provide a payout on the first death but ends after this occurrence. Separate policies are more beneficial offering financial payouts when both partners die. This is considered an increased level of protection for people left behind. The second option can be more costly, but it’s worthwhile carefully comparing the different policy prices to see whether buying separate policies is the best alternative for your needs.

Illustration of a pair of hands holding a heart with a cardiogram output in the background

What are the other factors influencing the cost of life insurance?

In addition to the coverage of the insurance and how long it will last, there are several other factors to consider which can influence the size of the premiums. Below are the different factors to take into account.

• Your biological age
• Your level of physical health
• Your current lifestyle
• Your family’s medical history
• Hazardous hobbies and employment can influence the size of premiums. For instance, if you’re a mountain climber or pilot, the premium price can be inflated.

Illustration of hands signing a contract

How is life insurance premium calculated?

• Reducing any effort and saving on tax
• A trust

The factors above ensure that your remaining family members may receive payment with the reduced hassle and low tax charges. Moreover, writing a life insurance policy in trust refers to the coverage being ‘ring-fenced’ outside other assets, such as investments, property and savings.
