Forthcoming Attractions: Early March 2016

Collection of vintage collectables | H is for Home

Here’s a selection of this past week’s vintage buys – quite a blast of colour!

Two orange vintage West German fat lava vases | H is for Home

We’ll start off with the West German vases – in gorgeous, vibrant shades of orange. One has the classic bubbling, fat lava glaze and the other a more uniform pattern of impressed marks. We like both styles – and they look great together.

Full set of vintage English Ironstone 'Beefeater' steak plates | H is for Home

Next up, we have a set of psychedelic bull plates – not exactly subtle shades either! We do love this fun and eccentric range of dinner ware.

Vintage red & silver electric Metamec wall clock | H is for Home

This bright red clock is wonderful too – both functional and beautiful. Produced by Metamec in the 1950s/60s it would provide a real flash of vintage style & colour to a kitchen or office wall.

Three vintage metal waste paper bins | H is for Home

We’ve also picked up this trio of waste paper bins. The one with flowers is marked Worcester Ware – a company who produced some fabulous, everyday metalware. They’re perfect for kids bedrooms or nurseries.

Collection of vintage laundry and garden implements including wooden clothes pegs, washboard, watering can and hand fork | H is for Home

Less bright, but no less attractive, is this collection of garden and laundry items. Last week’s Get their look post featured a lovely traditional laundry area. It had a couple of the vintage washboards on the wall which looked great. We’re big fans of painted and galvanised metal, in general – our own garden is full of old dolly tubs, wash baths, florists pots, dustbins and watering cans. They look attractive, weather nicely – and don’t shatter in the frost!

Etsy List: Clockwatching

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'Clockwatching' Etsy List' curated by H is for Home

Clocks and watches are almost things of the past thanks to everyone having a mobile phone with time, date, alarm and even timer functions.

Week days during my early school life began with me slamming down on the knob of a purple Westclox ‘Big Ben’ pedestal clock. Years later, this gave way to a boxy Sony Digimatic clock alarm radio. Today, we still have a Sony clock alarm radio – this time, a Dream Machine – shaped like a cube with LED numbers and snooze button. A ticking clock, like a dripping tap, would keep me awake all night!

We have a fantastic vintage Seth Thomas starburst clock in our lounge and another Metamec version on the top floor – both beautiful mid century modern icons!

Curated by H is for Home

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Forthcoming Attractions: Mid August 2012

"Forthcoming Attractions" blog post banner

selection of vintage homewares recently acquired by H is for Home including a bolt of vintage orange Draylon fabric, Metamec starburst clock, bright yellow camping kettle, Old Hall teak & stainless steel serving dish, red & white polka dot Kirkham Pottery lidded pot, 1950s footstool with red vinyl seat, vintage yellow glazed pottery lamp base

Some forthcoming attractions for mid August – these vintage homewares are all of a similar, mid 20th century vintage.

bolt of vintage orange Draylon fabric

We’ll start with a bolt of unused vintage Draylon fabric – unmistakably from the 60s/70s era

detail of pattern from a bolt of vintage orange Draylon fabric

It has a bold repeating pattern in burnt orange & white. Perfect for upholstery, curtains, cushions, lampshades etc.

vintage 1950s footstool with red vinyl seat

This is a lovely footstool with its two tone red vinyl seat and tapered wooden legs.

detail from a vintage 1950s footstool with red vinyl seat

It would sit very nicely in any self-respecting mid century modern pad.

vintage yellow glazed pottery lamp base

We’ve had a few of these lamps in various colours – green, brown or caramel like this one. A drum shaped teak or Hessian shade would be just the thing to finish it off.

bright yellow vintage camping kettle

This is just a simple little kettle, but we love its brightly coloured painted metalware – just the thing for the vintage camper.

vintage Old Hall teak & stainless steel serving dish

Onto a notable designer next – namely Robert Welch. He designed this stainless steel & teak hors d’eouvres set for Old Hall in the 1960s. This was just one of many pieces he designed for the company – the Alveston tea set being a sought after classic.

vintage red & white polka dot Kirkham Pottery lidded pot

We’re probably just in the 1950s for this storage jar with its lovely polka dot design in red & white. It was made by Kirkham Pottery and has a real vintage tea party or kitchenette feel.

vintage 1960s Metamec starburst clock

And finally, a real stunner of a clock. There are lots of mid 20th century inspired & reproduction starburst clocks on the market, but this is one of the true originals. It has teak & brass coloured rays and was produced by Metamec. It’s in excellent condition and is still ticking away nicely after 50 years or so.

Forthcoming Attractions: mid June 2012

"Forthcoming Attractions" blog post banner

selection of vintage items to be shortly added to the H is for Home shop including triangular corner shelf unit, desk lamps, bright yellow Habitat floor lamp, 1950s cream coloured storage tins, blue Hornsea ashtray, Hornsea "May" mug, red thermos flask, white Metamec wall clock, stainless steel tea strainer, "Gaybox" wall fitting, orange-handled aluminium colander and Scandinavian salad servers

Here’s a selection of recent vintage homeware purchases heading for our shop.

set of 1950s cream coloured kitchen storage tins with an orange-handled aluminium colander

We regularly come across these vintage aluminium colanders, but not often with groovy orange handles.

detail from a set of 1950s cream coloured kitchen storage tins

There are seven of these vintage metal containers. We think they’ve been repainted at some point – a long time ago and rather expertly it has to be said. The cream & dove grey colour combination is lovely.

vintage op art, red & white Thermos flask and vintage black & white Metamec clock

Next we have this drinks flask produced by Thermos.  So famous are this company for producing vacuum drinks flasks that most people actually call them Thermos flasks – in the same way people call vacuum cleaners ‘Hoovers’. This is a lovely example dating from the 1960s with a bold, graphic pattern in red & cream.

The clock dates from the same period. It was produced by another famous maker – this time Metamec. They produced this type of clock in many different colourways. They’re also well known for their sculptural starburst clocks.

vintage stainless steel tea strainer

This stainless steel tea strainer was made in Denmark. It’s neat & well designed – ideal if you’re a regular leaf tea drinker.

The Hornsea mug is one of a set celebrating the twelve months of the year. Each one features a couple occupied in typical activities for the month in question e.g. celebrating bonfire night in November, building snowmen in January, dodging rain showers in April and so on. This one’s for March and they’re being blown about in the wind.

blue vintage Hornsea Pottery ashtray

The ashtray‘s also by Hornsea – but a much simpler, geometric repeating pattern this time.

unmatching pair of vintage metal goose necked desk lamps

We have little & large of the desk lamp world. Well, the larger lamp isn’t that big, it’s just that the smaller one is very dinky indeed. They both have a really good mid century modern look. The larger of the two was produced by Anglepoise, the smaller by Tensor.

vintage "Gaybox" wall fitting in its original box

This wooden shelf system is so 1950s…

detail from a vintage "Gaybox" wall fitting in its original box

…not only the shape with its interlocking squares, but also the packaging – and its name of course – the “Gaybox”… wonderful!

vintage triangular corner shelf unit and bright yellow "Bobby" Habitat floor lamp

This corner unit also dates from the 50s – it would sit very nicely with blonde Ercol furniture. The bright yellow floor lamp is a much more recent product. It’s called the ‘Bobby’ lamp and is sold through Habitat.  We bought a pair in a recent house clearance auction. We like the colour, styling and functionality – in fact, Adelle’s been using it all week as her task light of choice for sewing.

set of vintage Danish teak & stainless steel salad servers

Finally, we have these salad servers in teak & stainless steel. These examples date from the 1960s, but are boxed & pristine. Great styling & quality materials – just a lovely piece of classic Danish design for everyday use.

All the items shown will be heading towards the website or antiques centre soon, but feel free to enquire about anything that particularly takes your fancy.