A multipurpose garden is the best option for a family with mixed interests. It can be difficult when you all want to use the garden for something different. You must either take turns or make a sacrifice. Perhaps one of you wants to grow fruit and vegetables, while the others want a pool to splash around in. You may have thought that you can’t have it all and meet everyone’s needs. However, it is possible if you meticulously design a multipurpose garden. This is designing it in a special way with zones so that you can all have a piece of the garden for your own personal needs.
To help you create a multipurpose garden that the whole family can enjoy, here are some top tips to get started.
#1 Consider everyone’s needs
First and foremost, you need to consider the different reasons that everyone wants to use the garden. This will give you a clearer picture and help you to start creating a plan of action. Hold a family meeting and sit down together to talk about the garden. Some of you might want the same things, while others might want something completely different. It’s important to discuss what it is everyone wants, why they want it and what they need from the garden to be able to achieve that. For example, if you’re growing vegetables, you may need a position with all-day sunlight and good soil. If you have a dog, you will need a fence around the perimeter. Put all the details into a list or spreadsheet.
#2 Look at the size and the layout of the garden
Next, you should look at your garden and assess its condition. Consider its current size and layout. Look at what is already in the garden, for example, structures, shrubs, plants, etc. You may also want to measure the size and shape. A great first task to do with this information is to sketch it out on a big piece of A3 paper. This will not only help you to visualise the garden, but it will also help later down the line when you start mapping out different zones so you can visually see how they can fit together.
#3 Examine the practicalities of the garden
Think about the practicalities of the garden; write these notes on your garden plan. This will include areas that have good soil, sun and shaded spots, plants and shrubs, areas to avoid digging up, drainage points, etc. Your garden is going to need structures like sheds to be able to store gardening tools, materials and other items. This will help you to understand how zones can be created and what areas need to be avoided.
#4 Pull together a plan
Now you’ve gathered a lot of initial information, it’s time to start coming up with ways you can piece it together and make it work – just like a giant jigsaw. Combine what people want from the garden, with all the information that you have gathered. You should be able to see clearly now how you can create zones in your garden to suit everyone’s desires. You can then decide whether you’ll fence these areas off, or just verbally agree to the zones.
This is an excellent way to ensure that everyone can use the garden for what they want, when they want.