Our week that was: Hafod, harvest and new shop stock

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This weekly round-up is very tardy; partly because we’ve been unusually busy on the socialising front. We went out for food and drinks twice in a week – practically unheard of for us these days!

We had a rare “carers’ break”; Nerys, our dog sitter, came over for a few hours, so we took the opportunity to go for a quiet coffee and drive into Aberystwyth town for a mooch and spot of shopping.


We arrived at the restaurant of the Hafod Hotel in Devil’s Bridge as they were opening their doors, so we headed for the comfy, mustard-coloured armchairs next to the fire. That turned out to be a great plan, as the Rheidol steam train arrived mere minutes later and scores of passengers disembarked and made their way straight down the hill to the Hafod.

We started with a couple of coffees followed by fish & chips for Justin and Welsh rarebit for me. The food was delicious – as were the coffees. The staff were friendly and very efficient – effortlessly coping with the sudden onslaught of customers.

Justin sitting on the sofa in the Hafod Hotel restaurant

Coffee at Hafod Hotel restaurant Fish & chips at Hafod Hotel restaurant


We’ve finally dug up our first crop of potatoes; we don’t know the variety, as we were given the seed potatoes by our neighbour months ago, and he couldn’t remember what type they were. We just chitted and planted them, then waited until we thought the plants were at the right stage for us to pull them up and dig down for spuds!

Our runner bean plants were also given to us by another very generous neighbour – they’ve been profuse, so I’m planning on canning the beans or using them to make a pickle or chutney.

Harvest of runner beans and potatoes from our garden

New shop stock

A few, new things have been listed in our online shop and our eBay account this past week, with more planned for next week. As always, if you see anything you like, get in touch. Also, if you’re looking for anything in particular, let us know and we can keep our eyes out on your behalf.

New H is for Home stock

Growing our own

"Growing our own" blog post banner

flat leaf parsley and coriander growing on a windowsill

This year we decided to grow more of our own – and we’ve got no excuse, as Todmorden‘s the home of Incredible Edible.

strawberries growing in a vintage terracotta strawberry pot

We have a variety of crops to look forward to in the coming weeks.

home-grown beetroot in vintage enamel breadbin home-grown peashoots grown in vintage metal bucket

Most of them are growing in containers as much of our garden is paved with stone cobbles. It also makes protecting them from the ubiquitous slugs & snails much easier.

tomato plants growing in a vintage mini greenhouse

We use lots of the old galvanised metal ‘dolly tubs’, buckets and bins.

courgette flowers in a vintage metal dolly tub

The plants seem to like it!

potato plants overflowing from a vintage metal dolly tub just outside the kitchen door pink stems of rhubarb growing out of a vintage metal dolly tub

Potatoes, beetroot, carrots, tomatoes, rhubarb, strawberries, broccoli, courgettes, squash, peashoots, salad leaves, a variety of herbs – and yes, those are figs.

tiny fruits growing on a fig tree

There’s still a little room for some flowers.

lilac coloured osteospermum growing in a vintage metal bucket

pink lupins growing in a vintage dolly tub pink lupins growing in a vintage dolly tub

Perennials like the hostas, astilbes and lupins return each year like old friends. Although this year’s harsh winter saw a few losses.

purple lobelia growing in a vintage metal bucket

red geraniums just about ready to flower

To these we add a few annuals – osteospermums, lobelia and the like.

hosta leaves

pink fox glove about to flower growing next to a giant ribbed terracotta urn young purple shoots of astilbe plants

We’ve enjoyed working in the garden this year, growing our own. We don’t think self-sufficiency is here just yet – but hopefully we’ll reap some rewards!