Did you enter our competition last September to win a canvas laptop messenger bag? Well, if you didn’t win (or even if you did!), we’ve teamed up with Estarer once again to offer a black leather satchel this time round.
In addition to the one that we’re giving away, we’ve been given another one to test drive and review.
It’s a classic satchel shape & size and is incredibly useful and versatile. It boasts both a shoulder strap and a handle depending on how you prefer to carry your bag.
Being black, it means that it will go with any outfit; it’s smart enough for the office and casual enough for a trip to the pub. It features lots of useful compartments and nooks & crannies to store your phone, writing implements and such like.
Just answer the following question to enter. What are some of the items that you always keep in your ‘everyday’ bag? Anything unusual?
A real leather satchel from Estarer
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