Price Points: V-shaped pillows

V-shaped pillows

We overnighted at Justin’s sister’s this week as he had a dentist appointment back in Yorkshire. Sleeping in a strange bed can make for a terrible night’s sleep, but that wasn’t the case. And it was all thanks to a V-shaped pillow.

When we’ve stayed-over previously, I’ve used the V-shaped pillow only to sit up in bed to read or work on the laptop. On this occasion, it was laziness and tiredness that led to this sleep revelation. I couldn’t be bothered to reach over and swap the V-shaped one for the regular, rectangular one. I reclined and realised how comfortable it was for sleeping. I’m a side-sleeper and like a very firm, supportive pillow. My arms, neck and head just fitted around it perfectly.

Since returning home, I’ve been scouring the internet looking for V-shaped pillows. All three that I’ve featured have had excellent reviews. The Fogarty example even had a write-up in the Sun newspaper last year, it’s considered that good.

I like the idea of the grey terry fabric of the M&S one; but as I’ll be using it to sleep every night, I’d want to put it in a pillowcase. The texture added to the awkward shape would make putting on and taking off a pillowcase a bit of a workout!

Have you ever slept or do you sleep on a V-shaped pillow? What do you think of it?

  1. Fogarty V-shaped orthopaedic firm-support pillow: £12.00, Dunelm
  2. Teddy fleece medium V-shaped pillow: £19.50, Marks & Spencer
  3. Kally V-Support pillow: £24.99, kallysleep

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Some of the links on our blog are affiliate links. We may receive a small commission - at no cost to you - if you click through and make a purchase.
Prices & links correct at time of publication.

Kally V-Support pillow
Kally V-Support pillow
Teddy fleece medium V-shaped pillow
Teddy fleece medium V-shaped pillow
Fogarty V-shaped orthopaedic firm-support pillow
Fogarty V-shaped orthopaedic firm-support pillow
Kally V-Support pillow
Kally V-Support pillow
Teddy fleece medium V-shaped pillow
Teddy fleece medium V-shaped pillow
Fogarty V-shaped orthopaedic firm-support pillow
Fogarty V-shaped orthopaedic firm-support pillow
Kally V-Support pillow
Kally V-Support pillow
Teddy fleece medium V-shaped pillow
Teddy fleece medium V-shaped pillow
Fogarty V-shaped orthopaedic firm-support pillow
Fogarty V-shaped orthopaedic firm-support pillow
Kally V-Support pillow
Kally V-Support pillow
Teddy fleece medium V-shaped pillow
Teddy fleece medium V-shaped pillow
Fogarty V-shaped orthopaedic firm-support pillow
Fogarty V-shaped orthopaedic firm-support pillow
Kally V-Support pillow
Kally V-Support pillow
Teddy fleece medium V-shaped pillow
Teddy fleece medium V-shaped pillow
Fogarty V-shaped orthopaedic firm-support pillow
Fogarty V-shaped orthopaedic firm-support pillow

Why getting enough sleep will boost your productivity

Why getting enough sleep will boost your productivity

Getting enough sleep is an essential part of a healthy routine. A good night’s sleep can improve your exercise performance, brain function, diet and mental health.

However, a bad night’s sleep can reduce productivity by a staggering 57%, according to The Sleep School based in Central London.

Many adults struggle to fit a good night’s kip into their everyday routine. With demanding jobs, busy families and a workout routine to maintain, rest can often take a back seat. Sleep is vital for maintaining your sanity and mental health – and it must be prioritised. Here are a few ways you can boost your sleep quality and productivity.

Screen glare illustration

Reduce blue light exposure

Artificial blue light can disrupt your natural sleep pattern, otherwise known as the circadian rhythm. Blue light comes from electronic devices like smart phones and laptops. Try to reduce your blue light exposure at night to improve your chances of a good night’s slumber.

You can use apps on your laptop or phone to block blue light or invest in blue-light blocking glasses. Also, you could start reading a book before bed, instead of watching TV.

Napping in front of a laptop illustration

Reduce daytime naps

When you’ve had a terrible night’s shut-eye, it can be very tempting to sneak in an afternoon nap. A short power nap can enhance your brain function and make you feel refreshed. A longer nap, however, can confuse your internal sleep clock and disrupt your bedtime routine.

Illustration of a person asleep in an uncluttered bedroom at night

Optimise your bedroom environment

The environment you sleep in can drastically impact your quality of sleep. The noise levels, temperature, light and furniture arrangement can all influence your sleep. Try to create a peaceful bedroom with minimal clutter and noise for optimal slumber.

Sleep in a comfortable ladies’ nightwear set for a luxurious and cosy night’s sleep.

Illustration of cup of coffee and bag of coffee beans

Don’t drink caffeine late in the day

For many people, coffee is essential in the morning and has numerous health benefits. However, caffeine at night can keep you awake and reduce the quality of your sleep. Did you know that caffeine can stay in your blood for up to eight hours? Towards the end of the day, try sticking to decaffeinated coffee or herbal tea to reduce your caffeine levels.

Illustration of a person having a sleep in bed with an alarm clock overhead

Wake up at consistent times

Set your alarm clock for the same time each morning – including weekends. Irregular night-time routines can disturb your circadian rhythm and make it difficult for you to sleep uninterrupted through the night. Try to get into the habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time every day to encourage your body to develop a healthy sleep pattern.


Price Points: Ear plugs

Selection of ear plugs | H is for Home

We’ve not been sleeping brilliantly for the past couple of weeks. The local council is in the midst of doing overnight road resurfacing work – right outside our house. At times, it’s felt like we were experiencing an earthquake – thank heavens for ear plugs!

We always keep a couple of pairs of Mack’s in our overnight wash bag, alongside a sleep mask for me. You never know what might keep you awake when you’re sleeping in a strange place. When we return to visit family in Brighton it’s the squawking seagulls, in London it’s the Heathrow flightpath. They’re also pretty good at blocking out the worst of the jet engine noise when you’re trying to sleep on a plane.

These are the three we’ve chosen based on our own personal recommendation and on positive reviews we’ve found online.

  1. Mack’s Pillow Soft silicone putty ear plugs – 6 pairs value pack: £4.95, Amazon
  2. BioEars soft silicone earplugs – 3 pairs: £4.89, eBay
  3. Pluggerz sleep earplugs: £8.29, Boots

shop ear plugs

Some of the links on our blog are affiliate links. We may receive a small commission - at no cost to you - if you click through and make a purchase.
Prices & links correct at time of publication.

Pluggerz sleep earplugs
Pluggerz sleep earplugs
BioEars soft silicone earplugs – 3 pairs
BioEars soft silicone earplugs – 3 pairs
Mack’s Pillow Soft silicone putty ear plugs – 6 pairs value pack
Mack’s Pillow Soft silicone putty ear plugs – 6 pairs value pack
Pluggerz sleep earplugs
Pluggerz sleep earplugs
BioEars soft silicone earplugs – 3 pairs
BioEars soft silicone earplugs – 3 pairs
Mack’s Pillow Soft silicone putty ear plugs – 6 pairs value pack
Mack’s Pillow Soft silicone putty ear plugs – 6 pairs value pack
Pluggerz sleep earplugs
Pluggerz sleep earplugs
BioEars soft silicone earplugs – 3 pairs
BioEars soft silicone earplugs – 3 pairs
Mack’s Pillow Soft silicone putty ear plugs – 6 pairs value pack
Mack’s Pillow Soft silicone putty ear plugs – 6 pairs value pack
Pluggerz sleep earplugs
Pluggerz sleep earplugs
BioEars soft silicone earplugs – 3 pairs
BioEars soft silicone earplugs – 3 pairs
Mack’s Pillow Soft silicone putty ear plugs – 6 pairs value pack
Mack’s Pillow Soft silicone putty ear plugs – 6 pairs value pack
Pluggerz sleep earplugs
Pluggerz sleep earplugs
BioEars soft silicone earplugs – 3 pairs
BioEars soft silicone earplugs – 3 pairs
Mack’s Pillow Soft silicone putty ear plugs – 6 pairs value pack
Mack’s Pillow Soft silicone putty ear plugs – 6 pairs value pack

Price Points: Sleep masks

Sleep masks | H is for Home

We recently spent an action-packed week in London. One thing that kept me sane was my trusty eye mask that I was given YEARS ago on a long-haul flight.

We have blackout curtains hung in our bedroom, so it can be shrouded in darkness no matter what the time of day. The bedroom we slept in in London had HUGE windows and light, billowy curtains which furnished us with an amazing view of the London skyline. Unfortunately, the city lights and early morning sunrise weren’t conducive to a stimulation-free night’s sleep.

I slept like a baby – poor Justin, on the other hand, could have done with one of the sleep masks above!

  1. Flamazing sleep mask: £3, H&M
  2. ASOS DESIGN cat eyes eye mask & bag: £8, ASOS
  3. Mulberry silk eye mask & bag – jaipur gold: £30, The Ethical Silk Company

shop sleep masks

Some of the links on our blog are affiliate links. We may receive a small commission - at no cost to you - if you click through and make a purchase.
Prices & links correct at time of publication.

Mulberry silk eye mask & bag – jaipur gold
Mulberry silk eye mask & bag – jaipur gold
ASOS DESIGN cat eyes eye mask & bag
ASOS DESIGN cat eyes eye mask & bag
Flamazing sleep mask
Flamazing sleep mask
Mulberry silk eye mask & bag – jaipur gold
Mulberry silk eye mask & bag – jaipur gold
ASOS DESIGN cat eyes eye mask & bag
ASOS DESIGN cat eyes eye mask & bag
Flamazing sleep mask
Flamazing sleep mask
Mulberry silk eye mask & bag – jaipur gold
Mulberry silk eye mask & bag – jaipur gold
ASOS DESIGN cat eyes eye mask & bag
ASOS DESIGN cat eyes eye mask & bag
Flamazing sleep mask
Flamazing sleep mask
Mulberry silk eye mask & bag – jaipur gold
Mulberry silk eye mask & bag – jaipur gold
ASOS DESIGN cat eyes eye mask & bag
ASOS DESIGN cat eyes eye mask & bag
Flamazing sleep mask
Flamazing sleep mask
Mulberry silk eye mask & bag – jaipur gold
Mulberry silk eye mask & bag – jaipur gold
ASOS DESIGN cat eyes eye mask & bag
ASOS DESIGN cat eyes eye mask & bag
Flamazing sleep mask
Flamazing sleep mask