Cakes & Bakes: Tapioca flour flatbread

Ingredients from Buy Whole Foods Online | H is for Home

This week’s recipe is a collaboration with Buy Whole Foods Online, a Kent-based, family-run, international health food supplier. They provided us with some ingredients to create a healthy meal; organic tapioca flour, organic hemp seedscashews, and raw organic honey. Deciding what to make was like being on an episode of Ready, Steady, Cook!

Home-made tapioca flour flatbread with cashew satay sauce and tofu & vegetable skewers | H is for Home

We decided on grilled tofu & vegetable skewers served with a cashew satay sauce and hemp seed, tapioca flour flatbread.

Cashew nuts in a food processor | H is for Home Cashew nut butter in a food processor | H is for Home

We started by making cashew nut butter; simply cashews, coconut oil and pinch of salt puréed in a food processor for 20 minutes.

Cashew satay sauce | H is for Home Cashew satay sauce | H is for Home

We then used this to make a wonderful satay sauce – a very straightforward process that combines the cashew butter with coconut milk, soya sauce, chilli flakes, honey and lime juice.

Hemp seeds on a white Chinese soup spoon | H is for Home

Next up we made the flatbreads. The gluten-free tapioca flour is derived from the cassava root. It’s almost 100% carbohydrate – with little or no protein, fat, fibre or minerals. For best results, it should be blended with other flour (such as coconut or almond). We studded our flatbread with toasted hemp seeds which – unlike the tapioca flour – are brimful of nutrients including protein, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron and essential fatty acids.

Tapiocs flour flatbread batter | H is for Home

It’s another simple recipe that, due to being yeast-free, needed no lengthy proving time.

Cooking tapioca flour flatbread on a cast iron griddle | H is for Home

It’s a batter rather than a dough and is cooked on a griddle or frying pan.

Home-made Tapioca flour flatbread | H is for Home

And, last but not least, the kebabs. Simply marinate sautéed tofu and vegetables of choice in a garlic and ginger paste – and then skewer.

marinated tofu and vegetable skewers | H is for Home

To serve, grill the kebabs and reheat the breads and sauce – done! Garnish with fresh coriander or salad leaves. It’s a healthy, nutritious and delicious meal!

Home-made Tapioca flour flatbread | H is for Home

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Tapioca flour flatbread
Yields 4
For the flatbread (makes 4)
  1. 175g/6oz tapioca flour
  2. 50g/1¾oz coconut flour
  3. 1tsp salt
  4. 2tbsp coconut oil
  5. 255ml/10fl oz lukewarm water
  6. 1tbsp hemp seeds, toasted
For the cashew butter
  1. 250g cashews (not roasted or salted/sweetened)
  2. 1tbsp coconut oil
  3. ½tsp salt
For the satay sauce
  1. 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  2. 1 tin coconut milk
  3. 1tsp chilli flakes (or to taste)
  4. 150g/5oz cashew nut butter
  5. 2tbsps soy sauce (a gluten-free version is available)
  6. juice of a lime
  7. generous pinch of salt
  8. 2tbsps raw organic honey (use date sugar or jaggery if you want a vegan version)Home-made tapioca flour flatbread and cashew butter ingredients
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For the flatbread
  1. Preheat your skillet on a medium flame
  2. Sift the flours and salt together into a large bowl; make a well in the centre
  3. Add the oil and water to the centre of the flour and gradually whisk together to form a batter
  4. Mix in the toasted hemp seeds
  5. When the skillet has heated, ladle a quarter of the batter in and spread the contents into a round or oval
  6. When the top of the flatbread is beginning to dry, flip and cook the other side until it begins to brown
  7. Repeat until all the batter is used up
For the cashew butter
  1. Put the cashews into a food processor and purée for about 10 minutes. You'll need to stop processing every few minutes and scrape the contents down from the sides to purée completely
  2. Add the coconut oil and salt and process for another 10 minutes - again scraping the contents down from the sides if necessary
For the satay sauce
  1. Over a low heat, fry the finely chopped onion in a little oil until softened but not browned
  2. Add the coconut milk, soy sauce, cashew nut butter, chilli flakes and salt
  3. Continue to cook over a low heat, stirring regularly, for approximately ½ hour
  4. Stir in the lime juice at the end of cooking process
  1. To toast, sauté the hemp seeds for just a couple of minutes in a hot wok or saucepan. Be careful, they tend to jump out of the pan like popcorn!
  2. Brush the griddle with a little vegetable oil to prevent the flatbread from sticking.
H is for Home Harbinger

8 Veggie Christmas gifts they’ll want to receive

8 Veggie Christmas gifts they'll want to receive | H is for Home

There are more and more people turning to a vegetarian diet for various reasons. Next month, even more will be embarking upon Veganuary after a December of excess.

I’ve been veggie for most of my life now, and I remember when people (I’m looking at you, Dad!) used to think that it was fine to just pick the meat out of the vegetarian‘s portion and serve it to them. Things have, thankfully, moved on since then; there’s so much more choice.

I’ve picked out a few veggie Christmas gifts to which I – and fellow non-meat-eaters – would give a nod of approval.

Plant Powered enamel pin

Plant Powered enamel pin: £6.50, Etsy

Vegetarian tribal slang T-shirt

Vegetarian tribal slang T-shirt: £4.99-£9.79, Amazon

Provisions: The Roots of Caribbean Cooking - 150 Vegetarian Recipes

Provisions: The Roots of Caribbean Cooking – 150 Vegetarian Recipes: £25.00, Amazon

Veggie Brekkie tea towel by Mr.PS

Veggie Brekkie tea towel by Mr.PS: £10.00, NOTHS

TheTofuBox tofu maker kit

TheTofuBox tofu maker kit: £27.99, Amazon

Vegetarian Living magazine subscription

Vegetarian Living magazine subscription: £42.00, isubscribe

Vegetarian tasting experience

Vegetarian tasting experience: £64-£1,020, Truly Experiences

The Vegan Wine Hamper

The Vegan Wine Hamper: £250.00, Fortnum & Mason

shop veggie Christmas gifts

Some of the links on our blog are affiliate links. We may receive a small commission - at no cost to you - if you click through and make a purchase.
Prices & links correct at time of publication.

The Vegan Wine Hamper
The Vegan Wine Hamper
Vegetarian tasting experience
Vegetarian tasting experience
Vegetarian Living magazine subscription
Vegetarian Living magazine subscription
TheTofuBox tofu maker kit
TheTofuBox tofu maker kit
Veggie Brekkie tea towel by Mr.PS
Veggie Brekkie tea towel by Mr.PS
Provisions: The Roots of Caribbean Cooking – 150 Vegetarian Recipes
Provisions: The Roots of Caribbean Cooking – 150 Vegetarian Recipes
Vegetarian tribal slang T-shirt
Vegetarian tribal slang T-shirt
Plant Powered enamel pin
Plant Powered enamel pin
The Vegan Wine Hamper
The Vegan Wine Hamper
Vegetarian tasting experience
Vegetarian tasting experience
Vegetarian Living magazine subscription
Vegetarian Living magazine subscription
TheTofuBox tofu maker kit
TheTofuBox tofu maker kit
Veggie Brekkie tea towel by Mr.PS
Veggie Brekkie tea towel by Mr.PS
Provisions: The Roots of Caribbean Cooking – 150 Vegetarian Recipes
Provisions: The Roots of Caribbean Cooking – 150 Vegetarian Recipes
Vegetarian tribal slang T-shirt
Vegetarian tribal slang T-shirt
Plant Powered enamel pin
Plant Powered enamel pin

Costco now stocks Vegan Protein from Weider

Vegan Protein from Weider available at Costco

I have been a strict vegetarian since 1988 – ever since I left home and began cooking my own meals. During the 90s, for about a decade, I went a step further and became vegan. Even though I used to be a trained chef, and I know a fair bit about nutrition, one of the challenges I encountered following a vegan diet was getting enough protein. In general, animal products such as meat and eggs contain far higher concentrations of protein than vegetable sources.

Shopping basket of fresh fruit and vegetables

Being vegan means that extra care needs to be taken to ensure you achieve and maintain a balanced diet. Protein deficiency can cause serious health problems. Symptoms include muscle wastage, hair loss, flaky skin, brittle nails, decreased immunity and poor concentration, to name just a few.

Vegan Protein from Weider available at Costco

In the past few years, it has become much easier with vegans being better catered to in supermarkets, cafés and restaurants. There is a greater choice of ingredients and ready-made meals. A great example of this is the range of Vegan Protein from Weider which you can purchase at a select number of Costco stores across the UK. Namely, Glasgow, Leeds, Milton Keynes, Coventry and Farnborough.

Rows of vegan muffins

Made from a blend of organic brown rice and peas, Weider Vegan Protein is a high quality, lactose free and gluten free vegan protein product. It is also low in fat, low in sugar and cholesterol free. It is available in half a dozen different flavours; Brownie Chocolate, Vanilla, Iced Cappuccino, Piña Colada, Green Apple and Berry Mix. You can use it to make nutritious shakes, smoothies or frappé. Add a few scoops to your cooking & baking in things like protein bars, pancakes and waffles or delicious cakes, muffins, brownies and flapjacks.

Whether you’re a vegan for health, ethical or religious reasons, Weider Vegan is an excellent source of essential protein.


Keto chocolate almond chia seed pudding

home-made keto chocolate almond chia seed puddings | H is for Home

I’ve said many times that I always like to round off my evening meal with a little bit of sweetness. However, as I’ve been restricting my carb and sugar intake of the past couple of months, it has become a challenge. A little bowl of keto chocolate almond chia seed pudding gives me the sweet finish I crave after finishing my dinner.

home-made keto chocolate almond chia seed pudding mixture | H is for Home

I’m a new convert to chia seeds – like goji berries, they’ve been hailed a new ‘super food’. You can buy a small packet in the supermarket for less than a couple of quid. They’re a great source of Omega 3 (great news for vegans & vegetarians), thiamin, niacin and dietary minerals.

These guilt-free puddings can be whipped up in under ten minutes – just give the chia seeds an hour or more to swell. Their incredible ability to absorb liquid is the reason they help you feel full. If you’re a fan of tapioca (I am) – you’ll love chia seeds!

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home-made keto chocolate almond chia seed puddings | H is for Home
Keto chocolate almond chia seed pudding
Serves 2
  1. 5g/1tbsp cacao powder, unsweetened
  2. 120 ml/4fl oz almond milk
  3. 25g/1tbsp almond butter
  4. 75g/60 ml/2fl oz coconut milk
  5. 30g/1oz chia seeds, whole
  6. 3 tsps Natvia or other no-cal, low carb sweetener
  7. 2tsp raw cocoa nibs (optional) and/or
  8. 2tsp toasted flaked almonds (optional)Keto chocolate almond chia seed pudding ingredients
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If you don’t have Buy Me a Pie! app installed you’ll see the list with ingredients right after downloading it
  1. In a measuring jug, combine the cacao powder and a couple of tablespoons of the almond milk to form a paste. Add the rest of the almond milk and stir to mix
  2. Add the almond butter and stir to combine
  3. Add the coconut milk, chia seeds and sweetener. Stir well until fully combined
  4. Pour into glass coupes or small bowls and refrigerate for at least an hour
  5. Sprinkle with cacao nibs and/or toasted flaked almonds before serving (optional)
H is for Home Harbinger