Husman’s finds a home!

Vintage Husman's Potato Chips tin | H is for Home

We bought this extra large Husman’s potato chips tin at Thursday’s flea market. It’s made the long journey from Cincinnati, Ohio to Todmorden, West Yorkshire!

Vintage Husman's Potato Chips tin | H is for Home

The fabulous colours caught our eye from a long way off.

Potato Chip Institute seal on a vintage Husman's Potato Chip tin | H is for Home

As we got closer, we realised that it was a vintage tin with fabulous lettering and chirpy chip boy mascot! We reckon that it dates from the late 1960s era.

Cartoon image of a boy on a vintage Husman's Potato Chip tin | H is for Home

We love these branded wooden crates and tins. They’re very attractive and make for great up-cycled storage. And they also work really well as bedside or side tables.

Vintage Husman's Potato Chips tin being used as a side table | H is for Home

It’s perfect sitting alongside a favourite chair – a place for books, reading glasses, a vase of flowers, glass of wine or hot cuppa. We’ve become very fond of it in a short space of time. We don’t know how it got to our little Pennine town from Cincinatti, but we’re glad it did!

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