Doggie draught excluder

"Doggie draught excluder" blog post banner

dachshund-shaped draught excluder handmade in Harris tweed by Queenie on Notonthehighstreet

We already have one dog that guards the door. Fudge our Weimaraner is ever alert to everything – from potential intruders to the morning post – reacting with equal madness to both! But just in case he needs back-up, here’s his new partner.

dashund shaped draught excluder handmade in Harris tweed by Queenie on Notonthehighstreet still wrapped in its plastic packaging

It’s always good to receive items in the post that combine excellent packaging with that nice personal touch. Once released, he was ready for action. In addition to assisting Fudge in the security detail, his main duty will of course be to keep out those nasty winter draughts!

dtail of postcard enclosed with the dashund shaped draught excluder handmade in Harris tweed by Queenie on Notonthehighstreet

We found our new doggie draught excluder in Queenie by Margo Elder’s shop on Notonthehighstreet. He’s beautifully handmade from genuine Harris tweed and comes in a variety of colourways. Here he is pictured with a few of his friends.

multicoloured collection of dashund shaped, Harris tweed draught excluders handmade in Harris tweed by Queenie on Notonthehighstreet

Margo Elder is just one of thousands of independent traders to be found at Notonthehighstreet. So if you’re looking for those individual household touches or a special gift, it’s a must-visit site.


Christmas Countdown: Folksy

selection of festive handmade items on the Folksy website

Folksy is the British version of Etsy and is a great website to trawl through if you’re looking for Christmas gifts & decorations that are handmade and just that little bit different!

1. three wise men Russian dolls £95 | 2. Christmas fairy £8

3. hand blown glass baubles £9.95 ea. | 4. Scandinavian toy angel £12

5. stained glass mistletoe sprig £30 | 6. Christmas pudding soap £6

Christmas Countdown: Etsy

"Christmas Countdown" blog post banner

selection of festive vintage Christmas items available on Etsy | H is for Home

Etsy is the best place to go if you’re looking for vintage or unusual Christmas cards, lights, decorations, nativity sets etc. But beware, if you see something you like you’d better buy it when you see it as things get snapped up quick!

  1. tags
  2. pop up book
  3. textile hanging
  4. set of cards
  5. round baubles
  6. torpedo shaped baubles
  7. lights
  8. wooden hanging
  9. seals

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Wednesday Wish: Felted wool slippers

"Wednesday Wish" blog post banner

Ash curry Unisex felted wool slippers handmade to order. For sale on Etsy by Onstail
Ash” curry Unisex felted wool slippers handmade to order: $98.00, Onstail on Etsy

The leaves are falling in flurries from the trees, we’ve had the wood-burner chuffing away on many an evening this month. Winter is knocking softly at the door. One thing I’m missing in these chilly temperatures is a lovely, snuggly pair of felted wool slippers. I scoured Etsy for the perfect pair, these fits the bill nicely!