We picked up this fabulous vintage camping stove last week.

It was produced by Primus of Sweden in the 1960s/70s.

It’s a great colour and design, folding up to form a handy carry case.
We mentioned in our recent Bookmarks review of My Cool Campervan that we’re hoping to get our own campervan sometime in the not too distant future.

We’ve actually started doing some campervan collecting… starting a campervan ‘bottom drawer’ – or ‘hope chest’ – to our American, Canadian and New Zealand readers.
The stove’s now been added to it.

It contains all kinds of stuff – well designed, cheerfully decorated and unbreakable (or at least exceedingly robust).

We’ve got kettles and teapots…

…and lots of melamine plates & bowls.

There are drinking vessels in all sizes & shapes.

We reckon there’ll be lots of tea drinking…

…and with all that tea we’ll obviously be eating lots of cake.

…and when we run out of cake we’ll have to resort to mere bread!

We’ve got lots of cosy blankets for when it’s a bit chilly…

…and deck chairs for when its sunny.

Will there be any space left in the campervan for us?