We often come across these things when we’re trawling auctions & markets. They’re bugs cast in resin – and they were sold as educational toys. They came in cases of about 15 specimens with labels and additional reading material.
We reckon that the ones we normally see are about 30 or 40 years old.
They’ll no doubt divide opinion amongst readers – some will like, some will loath. They have a definite following though – people like to display them in their ‘vintage museum look’ and nature-inspired rooms. We have some alongside the various fossils, feathers, shells, skulls and mineral specimens in our dark, atmospheric winter bedroom.
We put ours under a vintage glass dome. We like the way that they catch and refract the light – and you can still make out the extraordinary forms and colours. We buy & sell them regularly – so keep an eye on our eBay and online shop.