If you’ve decided to give your child’s room a makeover, you may be considering upgrading their bed and buying them bunk beds. These make a great feature for a kid’s bedroom and they’ll get a lot of enjoyment out of them. Here are the top five reasons to invest in bunk beds.
They’re fun
Your kids will love sleeping up high – from climbing the ladder at bedtime to being able to see their room from a different angle. All kids love the idea of bunk beds and they’ll be the envy of all their friends if they have them.
They’re great for sleepovers
If your kids have reached the age where they want to invite their friends over for sleepovers, bunk beds make a great sleepover solution. You don’t have to produce camp beds that are difficult to store or have only floor space to offer. Double or even triple bunk beds are a great place to tell ghost stories and participate in midnight feasts. These are some of the things that make childhoods special.
They create more play space
A bottom bunk makes a great play space. It can be used to store dolls and teddies when not being used as a bed. They can even arrange the duvets easily to make a camp or a great place to curl up with a book. If your child has a small room, they may not have a lot of floor space on which to play. After all, a single bed takes up a lot of room. However, one of the benefits of bunk beds is that it will give them back the space they’ll lose with a single bed in a fun and exciting way. BedKingdom.co.uk offers a range of bunk beds to make your kids’ room look fantastic and keep them comfortable all night long. If you’re looking for a high sleeper, you’ll find those at BedKingdom too.
They provide private space in a shared room
If your kids share a room, it can be difficult for them to find a space that’s theirs alone. Bunk beds create this as the bed area gives them a space that’s just for them. They can put their favourite toys on the bed and have their favourite pictures next to them on the wall. This will be a great place for them to relax and unwind and it saves having to put two separate beds in the room, which may be difficult.
They’re easy to separate
Bunk beds can be separated easily into single beds or even pushed together to form a double bed. This can be useful if you have adult guests to stay and your child’s bedroom needs to be utilised as a guest room. Once your kids are older, they may not want to sleep in a single bed any more. However, by separating the beds, your older child can have a single or double bed of their own without you having to go to the expense of buying a new bed for their room.
These are five great reasons to consider investing in bunk beds if you’ve decided to upgrade your children’s sleeping arrangements.