A drama-free festive season

A drama-free festive season | H is for Home

The festive season is officially upon us, with radio stations already beginning to play the Christmas jingles, over and over again. It’s quickly spreading the Christmas spirit, or sending people insane. It all depends on how much you love Christmas. But one thing is for sure, we know that all of you will be wishing for a drama-free festive season this year, and often we’re not lucky enough for that wish to come true. This post is going to help to change that, by preparing you for all of the things that could go wrong, making sure you try to avoid them altogether, and what you can do to quickly resolve whatever does go wrong. Usually, the Christmas spirit is enough to take the edge from any nightmare, but it’s always good to try and avoid them full stop! So, keep reading to see how you can create a drama-free festive season.

Shower head

Keep your home alive

If there’s one time of the year when something is bound to go wrong with your home, it’s going to be during the winter months. Although winter hasn’t officially started yet, the weather certainly feels cold enough, and cold is always going to wreak havoc on your home. One of the most common dramas is a boiler breaking, leaving the house without essential heating and hot water. For families this is a huge drama, but one that can swiftly be resolved. To save even more time and save money, you could find the boiler you need through Ideal Boilers for example, and then simply pay for the labour of the day. At this time of year, finding ways to save money with anything that goes wrong in the home is essential. That’s just one drama that can be solved. You might experience another, or nothing at all. To keep the home alive regardless, focus on the festive spirit that can fill the rooms!

Cooked turkey

Preparation is key

By now we think the preparation for the festive season will have begun, and rightly so. For all of you who can say that you haven’t began preparing at all, we know that you’ll be feeling the pressure. If not, then you’re a well trained last minuter. But we do believe that preparation is key with Christmas, so start planning everything now. If you’re cooking dinner, find a prize turkey and put it in the freezer. Plan the presents you’re going to get everyone, and week by week make a purchase or two. By the time the few days before Christmas come around, you’ll actually feel like you can relax and enjoy the Christmas spirit!

Two people facing a Christmas tree

Take the pressure off

If the pressure is on you to feed the family this year on Christmas day, then why not take a cheat’s way out. You could suggest booking a meal and going out on Christmas day for dinner. So many lovely restaurants will be open on Christmas day and will most likely have bargain set menus to order from. It might mean you get the pressure taken off you!


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