Salt dough decorations

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salt dough Christmas garland with red hearts and white stars | H is for Home

We spent some time this week putting up our Christmas trees and decorations. We’ve got a glistening artificial copper tree on the top floor and a real spruce on the ground floor.

salt dough ingredients

In addition to some shop-bought baubles, I decided to make some homemade Christmas decorations using salt dough, just 3 cheap & basic ingredients were needed. Plain flour, table salt and water – in easy to measure and remember volumetric quantities: 2-1-1. Two parts flour, one part salt, one part water. Measure out your mix using any cup, spoon, scoop or similar container depending on how much dough you want to whip up.

salt dough cut out shapes

I used cookie cutters to make a few different shapes – stars, crescent moons, hearts, medallions. Before you pop them in the oven, don’t forget to use a skewer to make a hole in each if you want to hang them on your tree or wall!

salt dough cut out shapes

I’ve seen instructions elsewhere on the ‘net that you can use either an oven or a microwave on its lowest setting to dry out your dough. I used both methods to compare & contrast. The microwave method was very quick – this batch was done in about six 1-minute bursts. The oven method was much, much slower – about 4 hours at 110°C/225°F/Gas mark ¼. You can see the difference between the two methods in the photo below – the microwave method made the shapes puff up (unevenly); I prefer the way the ones made in the oven turned out.

cooked salt dough cut out shapes

I had a few bits & bobs of shiny, crafty things stashed away that I thought I’d use to embellish – glitter, ribbon, beads and sequins.

cooked salt dough cut out shapes with craft materials

I even had a spray can of gold paint – I can’t remember where or when I bought that – but it came in handy!

spray painted salt dough cut out shapes

We have a copper Christmas tree that these will look great on!

gold painted salt dough Christmas decorations

But my favourite salt dough decorations I made are these two garlands – very Scandi!

Salt dough garland

We’ve just gathered some lovely holly with shiny red berries on one of our dog walks – and our garden is full of ivy with the most beautiful seed heads that look like exploding stars. That will bring seasonal nature indoors and provide the perfect finishing touch!

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