Rain rain, go away!

Rain rain, go away banner

detail of white felt cloud and multicoloured rain drop mobile on rain rain, go away poster

detail of white felt cloud and multicoloured rain drop mobile on rain rain, go away poster

We got very excited this morning when this large package arrived from the U.S.A.

large cardboard box with overflowing packing beads

We hadn’t ordered it… we’d won it!

large cardboard box opened revealing rain rain, go away poster and mobile

It’s a fabulous prize from interior decorator/graphic designer Dee Adams, author of one of our favourite blogs, deedee9:14

detail of handmade raincloud mobile hanging from our kitchen window

Rain rain, go away poster designed by Dee Dee Adams

The giveaway consisted of this cute little cloud & raindrops mobile from The Butter Flying Etsy shop and a framed poster designed by Dee herself.

raincloud mobile in its new home hanging from the sash window in the kitchen above the herb seedlings looking out into the back garden

We’ve found good homes for both. The cloud mobile is hanging from the kitchen window, watering the seedlings beneath – and Dee’s poster is now hanging in our bedroom. It’s a lovely illustration, whatever the weather!

Rain rain, go away framed poster designed by Dee Dee Adams

Having said that, it’s a very apt artwork for us – we live in Todmorden in the Pennines, one of the wettest places in the country!

4 thoughts on “Rain rain, go away!

  1. The cloud mobile is so sweet and I really like the colours in the poster. I'm odd and usually quite like the rain though 🙂

  2. What a putzig pair of prizes! And you deserve them…. they'll have a very happy h is for home (hello to Fudge!)

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