Designer Desire: Greg Paprocki

Montage of Greg Paprocki artwork | H is for Home

Initially, when we saw the artwork of Greg Paprocki we assumed it was vintage 50s or 60s. Well, we were wrong, Greg’s work is from the 21st century!

Perhaps Greg’s own words can explain our misconception:

As my technical skills evolved, so did my interests and influences. I was exploring commercial, editorial and children’s book art from the 1940s and 50s. Abstract artists like Picasso were having a large impact on commercial art and produced the kind of highly stylized work that is still influencing the art world today.

Greg Paprocki is the author and illustrator of a series of BabyLit alphabet books. They set out to introduce toddlers (and the odd adult) about cultural & historical subjects such as Hanukkah, the Wild West, the Industrial Revolution and Medieval Europe. Each book is illustrated using a different font to reflect the given subject.

He beautifully illustrated another educational children’s book series, ‘Little Leonardo’s Fascinating World…’, by authors Bob Cooper and Bart King.

Many of his beautiful books can be found on Abe Books and Amazon.

As well as books, Greg has designed food packaging. Firstly, labels for High Rise Vodka, bottles that wouldn’t look out of place on Dan Draper‘s drinks trolley. And, my favourite, limited-edition boxes for the Famous Aretha Frankenstein’s pancake and waffle mixes!

Portrait of Greg Paprocki

Additional image credits:

Gibbs Smith | New Leaf

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