Preparing in case of flooding

Preparing in case of flooding | H is for Home

Flooding can be disastrous for properties and can lead to long-term problems for home-owners. The recent disruption in the UK from flooding proves the need for homes and businesses across the country to prepare for serious issues in case of future deluges. In the following, we’ll showcase the ways in which you can protect your property in case rainfall leads to destruction.

Find out if your home is at risk of flooding

Before buying or renting a new property you should find out if it is at risk of flooding. Once you know how high the risk is, you can decide if you’re willing to take it or if you’d prefer to move into a home that isn’t so susceptible. Whatever you choose, it’s important that you’re aware of the risks of flooding to your home so that you know how high the chances are of you having to evacuate.

Illustration of a house under an umbrella

Insure your property

Make sure that your home insurance policy has included flood protection so that, in the event of any flood damage, you’ll be covered and able to get things back to normal as quickly as possible. Use a price comparison site to explore the most cost effective solutions on the market and find the cover and price that’s right for you and your home.

Check your drains

To ensure that rainwater runs off your property and doesn’t lead to structural damage to your roof and exterior walls, make sure that your drains are working properly. If you do notice any problems, then you should work with a drainage specialist. You can find support in every area of the UK; for instance, if you’re based in the South East there’s Drain Detectives who’s available to answer your requests 24/7 which is perfect if there ever is an emergency. A company like this can clear any blockages and make sure that your drains work efficiently and will protect your property during heavy or prolonged rainfall.

Illustration of a window with a flower in a pot on the sill

Install quality windows and doors

When water gets to your property it will seep through any gaps, so make sure that your windows and doors are secure and don’t have any holes around the edges. Should you notice that the sealant around your windows is failing, or that your doors have shrunk in their frames, then work with a professional to ensure that the issue gets remedied and your home is secure if flood water were to arrive.

Raise your sockets and electrical outlets

Reduce the risk of electrical damage and injury should flood water enter your home by raising your electrical sockets and any outlets. This will mean that if only a small amount of water covers your floor, then your electrical outlets will be safe, and you’ll have less damage to deal with when you’re able to return to your property.

Illustration of a garden with a picket fence, flowers and tree

Use your garden to protect your home

Gardens can soak up a lot of rainwater and potentially help to ensure that your home stays safe in case of flooding, but only if they’re designed properly. Plant and lay out your garden to ensure that water is able to run away from your property and that plants and soil will soak up some of the excess water. This will not only help to prevent flooding in case of an emergency, but also reduce your garden’s chance of becoming waterlogged.

Remember flood prevention when you renovate

During any remodelling work, make sure that you consider how the changes you’re working on will be affected in case of flooding and how your refurbishments could potentially protect your home from damage caused by flooding. Communicate with your builder to work out how you can adapt your renovation work to include flood prevention measures.

Packed emergency bag of supplies

Ensure you know where everything is

In the event of an emergency you’ll need to switch off all power supplies and grab any vital paperwork and essential items, so make sure that you always know where everything is kept. Put all your paperwork in a specific place that’s easy to access just in case you need to grab it in a hurry. If you have dependants like children or pets, make sure their essential possessions are kept together and are easy for you to fetch if you need to relocate quickly and get your family to safety.

Get flood prevention solutions

Products such as sandbags can be used to absorb and dispel water from around your doorways, so in the event of severe flooding make sure that you have a ready supply of them. Use towels to block up toilets so that if lots of water does come into your home, it will be obstructed by the towels from coming up through your toilet.

Cartoon of man getting children prepared for an emergency

Make an emergency plan

Should the worst happen, and your home is hit by flooding, make sure that you have an emergency plan in place so that you and your loved ones know what to do and are as prepared as possible. Check government guidelines on what you need to do in case of a flood, and keep an eye on the social media accounts and websites of your local council and emergency services providers so that you can see any warnings as soon as they’re posted. This proactive approach will ensure that you’re ready to get everyone to safety in the case of serious flooding.


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