Home-made Nutella

Home-made Nutella with shortbread biscuits | H is for Home

Last week, before we had a cooker, I made a (very successful) no-bake Nutella cheescake. This week, with a brand new range cooker installed in the kitchen, I made a batch of home-made Nutella.

Hazelnuts are currently in season and a big hazelnut tree hangs over our fence offering up its bounty. Shelling them is a time-consuming chore, but once you get into the rhythm (and stop banging your fingers) it’s very satisfying.

Removing the shells from hazelnuts using a small hammer Grinding hazelnuts using a pestle & mortar

As chance would have it, this week we were in Ultracomida in Aberystwyth having a coffee and I got one of their cookbooks off a shelf. In it was a recipe for home-made Nutella.

Heating cocoa, sugar and milk in a saucepan Adding peanut butter to chocolate sauce

There are 6 ingredients, all of which (except perhaps the hazelnuts) you already have in your kitchen.

However, next time I make it, I’d tweak the recipe slightly. It contains a ‘scant ½ pint’ of milk. The resulting ‘spread’ was a bit too thin. I think it could do with as little as a ¼ pint of milk.

Despite this, it made a fabulous dipping sauce for biscuits or croissants. I also had some as an ice cream topping… it made a wonderful combination!

If you choose to make a ‘thick’ version, a lovely idea would be to form it into shapes and wrap them to make lovely gifts. You can buy chocolate moulds in the shape of hearts, balls and domes.

Home-made Nutella in red heart-shaped ramekins

Click here to save the recipe to Pinterest

Home-made Nutella recipe | H is for Home
Home-made Nutella
Yields 1
  1. 140g/5oz sugar
  2. 55g/2oz unsweetened cocoa powder
  3. 285ml/scant ½pt milk
  4. 1tsp vanilla extract
  5. 2tbsp smooth peanut butter
  6. 1 heaped tbsp ground hazelnutsHome-made Nutella ingredients
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If you don’t have Buy Me a Pie! app installed you’ll see the list with ingredients right after downloading it
  1. Put the sugar and cocoa into a saucepan and stir until blended
  2. Gradually stir in the milk
  3. Bring to the boil over a gentle heat, stirring constantly, then lower the heat and simmer for 2 minutes
  4. Remove from the heat and leave to cool for at least 5 minutes
  5. Add the vanilla extract, peanut butter and ground hazelnuts, stirring until perfectly amalgamated
  6. Leave to cool and pot up in a jar
Adapted from Recipes & Ramblings
H is for Home Harbinger https://hisforhomeblog.com/

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