Looking for the perfect companion?

Manor companion set from DirectFireplaces | H is for Home

Even though it’s been a relatively mild winter, our wood-burning stoves have been chuffing away for months. They produce enough heat to make a room comfortable without needing to put the central heating on. And, on really chilly days, they just give things a boost. A real fire also brings a room to life – flickering and crackling away, becoming the focal point. We couldn’t be without ours!

The three versions of the Manor companion set available at DirectFireplaces

It’s essential that a real fire has some fireside tools, so we’re pleased to be able to offer one of our readers a Manor companion set from DirectFireplaces. The set comprises dust pan, brush, log roller and pair of tongs on a metal stand. It’s available in 3 different finishes – black, black/pewter and black/brass. Because of its classic styling, it would look great in either a traditional or modern room.

To enter, just tell us in the comments section at the bottom of this page who or what is your perfect fireside companion. Very best of luck!

DirectFireplaces Manor companion set

Shared on: Superluckyme | The Prizefinder | Loquax | U Me and the Kids

177 thoughts on “Looking for the perfect companion?

  1. A good fireside companion for our fire is a basket full of wood and knowing we haven’t got to go out and we will be warm and toasty all night!

  2. Mt fireside companion is my little dog Lady, she sits right next to me on the couch, every evening

  3. I can just see my little dog stretched out on the rug in front of my fireplace right now…it’s HIS spot 🙂

  4. my perfect companion should be my husband but He may want different tV programmes so it will have to be the TV.

  5. Leave a comment below telling who or what is your perfect fireside companion . . . . a good book and a glass (or two) of wine

  6. All I need in my cosy nook is soft firelight, lamp glow and book. Am also delighting in your use of the word chuffing!

  7. I am looking for a present for my uncles 70th. Thing this would be a lovely addition to his not so glamorous fireplace

  8. My cat, as much as my dog is lovely to snuggle up with, my cat is very adept at letting me know when it is time for another log

  9. My perfect fireside companion would be Michael Kitchen – but I would ask him to turn up in his Foyle’s War hat and coat .

  10. I’d snuggle up with my hubby and the dog, a glass of wine and a good book in front of the fire for a perfect evening.

  11. This would be wonderful, we have an open fire and our companion set has had to be binned, we used it so much x

  12. were about to move into our new home and it has a log fire, my stepdaughter said she cant wait to have a cup of hot chocolate in her pjs by it, i agree, i think a good companion would be a mug of hot choc and squirty cream!

  13. Sitting together with the fire burning bright,
    Looking outside the window in the dark of the night,
    My husband is my perfect companion,
    as we love to see Nocturnal animals came
    out to play,
    Foxes seeing people always run away,
    I see owners pulled by dogs in a line,
    And their barking midst the passing of time.

  14. my perfect fireside companion would be a good book and a glass of wine, for a chat and a giggle I’d choose my daughter.

  15. We my wife and I love to snuggle up in front of the fire with a lovely mug of Hot Chocolate and some ginger biscuits

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