How has the new decade been for you so far? Broken any resolutions? Fallen off the Veganuary bandwagon? Dry January not been so dry? Or are you totally nailing it for 2020?
Whichever of them is you, you can help improve your organisational skills with a TOAD diary or planner. To help with your personal or professional organisation, we have voucher codes to the value of £25 to give to, not one… but two, of our followers. Never forget an appointment, jot down all those brainwave ideas you have at bedtime or note down all those important points from your uni lectures.
Even though we’ve now entered into the second month, you can choose to start your TOAD diary or organiser at any point during the year.
Perhaps you’d like a journal that begins on the day your baby was born (blue or pink cover?) to record their fist year. Maybe you’d prefer a diary to have with you when you go travelling on your gap year – something with a cityscape on the cover. It’s completely your choice!
For me, I’d like an A5-sized fiscal diary – with the tax year beginning on 1st April 2020. I favour a week view. The cover would have to be mono or full-colour green… to match our corporate identity. And, being left-handed, it would also need to be wiro-bound or layflat design. Other than that, I’m not fussy!!
Pop over to the TOAD website to see what options are available, then come back here and tell us about the design you’d choose for your diary/journal/organiser/planner/notebook.
£25 voucher for your own personalised & customised TOAD® diary
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