The Black Insomnia Coffee Company produces the world’s strongest coffee, packing a minimum of 1105mg of caffeine in each 12 fl oz cup. That’s over four times the average strength of other typical high-street brands.
Are you curious to sample it? Well you’re in luck! We’ve teamed up with them for this month’s competition to offer one of our buzz-loving readers a £100 gift card to spend in their web-shop.
You can choose bags of roasted beans or tins of ready ground. If you prefer your coffee to come in capsules, Insomnia does those too. Their pods work with Nespresso© machines and are completely compostible – being made from 100% cornstarch. When they’ve been used, simply dispose of them on your compost heap or put them in your food waste recycling caddy.
In business since 1932, Black Insomnia small-batch roast their beans using a traditional Italian method. They describe their coffee – a blend of the finest Robusta and Arabica beans – as having:
Caramel, hazelnut, and macadamia aromas, on top of a luxurious dark chocolate flavour.
They’ve recently added drip bag coffee to their range; all the rage in China and Japan, pour-over coffee is gaining in popularity over here. Because of their eco-ethos, their bags are made from paper, so are biodegradable and easy to recycle.
As well as fine, real coffee in all its forms, Black Insomnia sells giftware including branded coffee mugs, hoodies and t-shirts for super-strong coffee fanatics.
To win the £100 gift card, tell us in the comments section below how you like your coffee best. Me, it’s a soya flat white alongside a fresh, buttery croissant. Good luck!
£100 gift card to spend at Black Insomnia Coffee Company
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Black no suger
I like an extra hot latte served with a piece of fresh coffee cake.
I like mine strong, with skimmed, steamed milk, no sugar.
I like it black with the occasional bit of creamer
Strong, white with 2 sugars x
I like caramel lattes
I like an espresso brought to me in bed, with a Lotus Biscoff on the saucer
White no sugar
Tall long black and strong
white with one sugar
Black, with lots of sugar!
love the sound of their coffee bags! As long as it’s good quality coffee I don’t mind how I have my coffee!
Strong, black, no sugar. mmmmmm
White with two sugars
I love an expresso but it has to be good coffee in the right cup with a glass of iced watre on the side
A latte with no sugar is my favourite coffee
Strong with milk and no sugar (and with a bit of cake!)
Flat white
Strong with just a dash of milk
white with 1 sugar
I like my coffee hot, full of flavour with skimmed milk and no sugar.
Milky with 1 sugar
Strong, dark and sweet!
Very hot, strong with a little oat milk and no sugar
a latte is my favorite
iced caramel latte 🙂
White with no sugar
I like it with frothy milk and demera sugar, not to strong though
Milky with sugar
Milky sweet strong
i love my coffee very sweet
strong and black
strong with a drop milk
Strong with a lil bit of oat milk
I like mine white, medium strength with 1 sugar xx
I like it with milk and no sugar.
Latte takes the biscuit
Black preferably!
As black as the dead of night with 3 sugars lol
I like my Coffee with milk & 2 sweeteners
i’m a big fan of lattes 🙂
White with no sugar please. 🙂
Lots of cream. Lots of sugar.
white with one sugar
Americano – black, no sugar
Strong and black please!
Normally milky so I usually have a latte with NO sugar
Milk and two sweeteners please!
Strong with milk and one sugar
Weak and black for me or a skinny latte
Milky with a little bit of sugar
Milk and one sugar please
freshly roasted with cream and brown sugar
I like mine with just a touch of milk lately I’ve enjoyed grinding coffee beans
Big and delicate bone china cup of black, perfect
Black, 2 sugars
I like black coffee. No sugar, no cream, just coffee.
I love mine very strong, black and very very sweet.
Black with sugar
Soya Cappuccino is my favourite, although a black coffee with single cream comes close
full of flavour with half a teaspoon of sugar and with a creamer powder
For me Coffee has to be smooth, mid range and with milk, no sugar.
Black, strong and no sugar
White no sugar
Coffee with cream every morning sets me up for the day
I like my coffee black and strong, no sugar
black wit a spoon of honey
I like min milky with a sprinkling of demerara on top of the froth
Strong & black
I like black coffee with no sugar. I tend to use strength 5 or 6 if I can get it.
just long black, unsweetened
I like my coffee hot and milky!
I enjoy black coffee without sugar, thanks for the chance to win.
vanillla lattee with sugar
I like milk and 2 sugars x
Espresso with no sugar but accompanying cake is perfectly acceptable!
Strong, splash of milk, no sugar and plenty of caffeine lol
Strong, black and no sugar
Milky not too strong so lattes are normally the coffee I go for
just long black, unsweetened
I like my coffee not too strong and week just medium with sweetener.
Almost black with a dash of milk and no sugar
Almost black with a dash of milk and no sugar
milk no sugar
I love a well made flat white with a gorgeous Guatemalan coffee bean!
strong and black
I like a piping hot creamy latte
Very weak and milky! So if I won this I’d be giving it to my husband.
Strong but with a little bit of oat milk!
Milk – two sugars 🙂
I have an americano or black coffee with no sugar!
Cream and one sugar
I like a cappuccino if I’m out but at home I like it white with a sweetener.
Milky like a latte
I like some milk in mine.
Black no sugar!
I like my coffee strong, with 1 sugar
Strong dark and seeming hot like my men habah
Strong, black, no sugar.
I like my coffee very strong with cream and 1 sugar
Strong with milk
I like mines strong cappuccino with two sugarw
Milk, two sugars. Served with anything sweet!
I love it strong and with skimmed milk but no sugar
I like my coffee as a latte
Espresso strength with an iced water chaser – every sip tastes like the first.
White with one sugar for me
Cold with a load of sugar and a good shot of vodka.
Strong with a dash of milk, no sugar
I love a cappuccino, no sugar
Black, half a sugar with a pain au chocolate on the side. Perfect.
Just a splash of milk and 2 sugars xx
I love early morning coffee just with extra milk and a croissant
Strong, with a dash of milk and 2 sugars.
lots and lots of milk 😀 cant beat a milky coffee
I like it white with two sugars 🙂
as a mocha 🙂
Black with honey
I like it with a dash of milk
Cannot send the tweet as text too long
strong with pouring cream
Black nothing added with a gooey cookie if I’m in the mood!
With warm, frothy milk and sugar!
Strong with a little milk
white no sugar – lots of milk
a little cream and a little sugar
strong and milky with a biscuit
Long with a drop of hot milk and one sugar.
Iced and no milk or sugar
In the morning I prefer espresso, but in the afternoon I like a nice milky cappuccino.
I love a latte, but like it strong with a real coffee kick. Sometimes I have a flat white, but still need that flavour hit.
i love caramel syrup in it
Strong and sweet for me.
black and strong
I go for a strong flat white with no sugar.
Strong, black and no sugar.
Strong but milky, no sugar
coffee, whisked milk and the wet end of a teaspoon of sugar. If I can taste the sugar its too sweet
Strong, 2 sugars
Strong, a litle milk, no sugar
I like my coffee milky.
Strong with plenty of oat milk
Milky and 1 sugar
I love lattes best – milky with a spoon of sugar
I love americano with milk thanks , no sugar ☕️☕️
white and tasty
I like it strong & white
strong with just a dash of milk
Flat white with a millionaires shortbread
First one of the day has to be strong! the rest are with plenty of milk and sugar
Strong with 2 sugars.
I like it strong and balck
Americana style
latte with one sugar
I like with vanilla syrup
With a splash of milk & no sugar
With almond milk
One sweetener with a little milk
Black, with a touch of milk froth!
Dark, strong and hot – just how I like my men!
Dark and strong!
Black with honey x
latte, and I think the pumpkin spiced coffee is at starbucks now, which is a treat
As a cappuccino – it really gets me foaming at the mouth with excitement! 😉
Black , usually espresso , no sugar . (Though with milk if I’m in a biscuit dunking mood)
Strong with milk
Strong and dark
£100 to spend on coffee well sleep is overrated
As a cappuccino
Black coffee with one sugar for me!
milky, hot, make the coffee in a pan with water, milk and coffee in it – its a lot hotter than making it with a kettles and stays hot longer
Really hot so it burns my throat, 2 sweeteners and a splash of milk x
I love my coffee with a dash of milk and one sugar.
milky for me
White coffee with a dash of honey.
Strong with a drop of milk and a sugar. Preffrably a ginger biscuit on the side 🙂
White with one sugar
Strong and milky – no sugar.
Strong and Black!
With milk
With milk and no sugar
I like mine with milk and one sugar – yum!
Black, strong and no sugar for me ☕️
I like it with a bit of sugar and milk
Black and strong first thing, milky to relax later in the day
I like to make a very strong coffee in a cafetiere, and serve it 50/50 with hot milk….that way I get the full taste of the coffee, but with a richness too
Love a good caramel or vanilla latte
1 sugar & milk 🙂 or usually i have a mocha
Strong, white, 1 sugar
Love to try this, can never get my black coffee strong enough
Strong with milk no sugar
I love it hot with a strong aroma
With a dash of honey and oat milk!
I like it made with freshly ground beans and steamed milk
Oat milk and one sugar for me, accompanied by a Lotus Biscoff biscuit
I like mine strong, white and with a tiny bit of sugar – and served in my mug that’s the size of a bucket!!
Milky with two sugars. The best!
Milky two sugars
Milky with one sweetner or if i’m being naughty a brown sugar
Milk and two sugars, unless I’m having a cappuccino or that and just take it as it is
Milk and lots of sugar
I love my coffee strong. Lots of coffee, not so much milk. lovely.
Latte with one sweetner
i like mine as a latte with homemade biscuits
Strong with milk x
Black and as much of it as possible!
No milk, no sugar!
black and strong
Black with creamer!