You may remember me reviewing a pair of EyeWearThese’s prescription glasses with digital blue light protection last year. Well, we’re happy to report that we’re working with the company again; this time giving one of our readers a pair of fashionable, Aviator-inspired Ray-Ban® sunglasses.
The model on offer is the Ray-Ban 0RB 3386 with gold frame and tortoise brown gradient lenses. Just the thing you need with summer just around the corner!
Ray-Ban describes them as:
An oversized Aviator inspiration, modeled with a retro yet sporty sunglasses look. RB3386 sunglasses join the Active sunglasses family with their wrapped frame allowing for full coverage and a secure fit. This Aviator interpretation features similar pilot lenses, but with a slightly softer contour… perfect for an on the go active lifestyle and flatter all face shapes, making this interpretation completely unique.
Entering our comp is simple – tell us where you’ll be wearing your new sunglasses if you win them. Good luck!
Win a pair of Aviator-inspired Ray-Ban sunglasses
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