Shiny metallics have been very much in vogue in the interior design world over recent years – copper and brass in particular, have seen a big resurgence. In last week’s Price Points post we mentioned a visit to the Lakeland store in Windermere. We noticed lots of copper coloured kitchenware and appliances as we perused the aisles that day.
Well, we picked up a kitchen appliance of a much earlier vintage this week – dating from the last time that copper had this much of a mass market appeal.
It’s a fabulous coffee percolator produced by Swan.
It’s made of polished copper with rosewood handle and finial – and here it is advertised in a 1970s Argos catalogue.
It looks great – sleek and stylish. It has a setting for different brew times to allow for varying strengths. It also boasts a ‘keep warm’ setting, so a quick top-up is very easy and your second cup will be just as hot as the first. Perfect for those who need a real kick start in the morning!
Having just given it a test run, we can happily report that it makes a very decent cup of coffee indeed. We’ve added it to our web shop this week for anyone interested.