Monthly Mood Board: Creative Home Office

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creative home office mood board

They say that a tidy desk equals a tidy mind. A well-designed, practical home office would be Nirvana to me. I like everything just so and in its rightful place. Chance would be a fine thing! To wrongly quote a well-known song, “Wherever I lay my laptop…”. I like to sit in the warmest, sunniest, quietest room in the house – and that room can vary from day to day, sometimes hour to hour.

If we did ever get a proper home office, these are some of the things we’d like in it. Bright colours, a peg board (you wouldn’t believe how hard to get hold of they are!) for keeping everything up & off the desk and STORAGE, STORAGE, STORAGE!

  1. SNILLE visitor’s chair, green: £12, IKEA
  2. Pegboard – essential storage organiser: £30.84, Etsy
  3. Morton trestle table, oak: £299, MADE
  4. Anglepoise 1228 floor lamp, daffodil: £230, John Lewis
  5. A4 aluminium clipboard: £8.95, Muji
  6. Me coffee cup, small: £22, Lovethesign
  7. Woodland ditsy magazine file: £7, Paperchase
  8. Bisley desktop cabinet 5 drawer steel orange: £51.99, Ryman
  9. Tutti Frutti waste paper bin: £110, Andrea Stemmer
  10. Brennenstuhl 4-way extension socket with 2m cable – green: £11.41, Amazon

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