Our new haberdashery section

Our new haberdashery section at Todmorden Antique Centre
We’ve added a haberdashery section to our Todmorden Antiques Centre pitch this week. It’s not quite big enough to call it a haberdashery ‘department’ as yet – like those fabulous places of yesteryear that used to take up the whole floor of a department store… but out of small acorns giant oak trees grow! So you never know where this will lead.

Our new haberdashery section at Todmorden Antique Centre

Not that we’ve got any intentions of cornering the world market in sewing accessories. We just wanted a small area where we can display and sell the lovely vintage fabrics that we pick up from time to time. In addition to these fabrics, we’re also going to add other related items such as tools, threads, bobbins, work boxes and so on. Also, mannequins and shop display pieces.

Collection of vintage cotton reels in an antique wooden bowl

If you’re ever in the area, please pop in. You’ll find our pitch – including the haberdashery section – along with hundreds of other items being sold by various dealers housed in the same building.

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