Forthcoming Attractions: More for May 2021

Original vintage Colin Ruffell impasto painting

Thursdays on our blog are usually given over to sharing a recipe. This week, we’ve been so busy with listing new stock in the H is for Home online shop that we’ve not had the time for much else!

Below, are just a few of the many vintage bits & bobs that we added yesterday and today. Simply click on each image to be taken to the individual item.

Vintage enamel daisy coffee pot Vintage Cathrineholm Lotus coffee pot
Large vintage ICI tin Mid century modern tea storage tin

Chocolate brown vintage Prova desk lamp Vintage gold Maclamp
Vintage E J Arnold & Son 'Children of the World' plaques Vintage set of Beefeater steak plates

Bookmarks: Grete Prytz Kittelsen – The art of enamel design

'Grete Prytz Kittelsen' blog post banner

Grete Prytz Kittelsen - The art of enamel design book with a selection of Lotus enamelware

Grete Prytz Kittelsen – The Art of Enamel Design by Karianne Bjellå Gilje explores the work of one of our favourite product designers.

Grete Prytz Kittelsen - The art of enamel design book title page

It was written not only with Greta’s close cooperation, but with extensive contributions from her – in the form of interviews, added text, selection of images and so on. You really are getting to know the artist intimately.

portrait of Grete Prytz Kittelsen standing

Greta was one of the foremost Scandinavian designers of the Mid-century Modern era – in addition to which, she also collaborated with many of the other great names from the period.

Grete Prytz Kittelsen-designed jewellery

She had “a thorough knowledge of materials, vast technical skill, independence and originality.”

red Grete Prytz Kittelsen-designed necklace

Her work has directly touched the daily lives of countless thousands with her ranges of beautiful yet practical kitchen & tableware.

green Grete Prytz Kittelsen-designed enamel tea set

She’s rightly praised for making good design accessible, as she simplified the production process wherever possible, thus keeping retail prices affordable.

sculptural Grete Prytz Kittelsen-designed necklace

She’s immediately associated with the iconic Lotus cookware produced by Cathrineholm of Norway in the 1950s – ironically, the repeating leaf pattern of the Lotus range was the work of another designer – Arne Clausen.

selection of Cathrineholm Lotus enamelware

She was responsible for the form & colours of the range – and apparently preferred the enamel without the additional decoration.

Cathrineholm Lotus catalogue

Her range of products is vast – pots, pans, plates, cruets, bowls and cutlery.

Grete Prytz Kittelsen-designed salad bowl and servers

There are decorative objects too, such as candelabra & vases…

Grete Prytz Kittelsen-designed square plates

…and not forgetting the beautiful jewellery – we just love her jewellery!!

blue sculptural Grete Prytz Kittelsen-designed necklace

The book is very well written – comprehensive, entertaining and informative.

sculptural Grete Prytz Kittelsen-designed Cathrineholm bowls

It’s full of wonderful archive images, product advertisements & brochures.

Grete Prytz Kittelsen working in her studio

Also, fabulous photographs of her work – which is some feat, as the beauty of enamel is very difficult to capture in print.

colourful Grete Prytz Kittelsen-designed bangles

The book concludes with a wonderful reference section, including a fully illustrated catalogue of works and chronology.

Grete Prytz Kittelsen jewellery catalogue

It’s a must-have book for anyone who shares our passion – or is not yet familiar with her work.

sculptural Grete Prytz Kittelsen-designed boomerang necklace

[Many thanks to W.W. Norton & Company for the review copy]

Charity Vintage: Orange Cathrineholm bowl

'Charity Vintage' blog post banner

vintage orange & white enamel Cathrineholm 'Lotus' bowl up for auction on eBay for Charity by Strut for Charity | H is for HomeOrange Cathrineholm bowl being sold in support of Strut in the Community*
(Ends 6 Feb, 2013 20:18:33 GMT)

Last week we helped a charity to publicise a Miroslav Sasek matchbook that they we’re auctioning on eBay. Then we thought – why don’t we do this more often? And so we shall!

This is the first of a new feature where we highlight vintage goodies listed on eBay where 100% of the sale is given to charity.

*Strut in the Community offers respite care for children with special needs by organising After School Clubs, Youth Clubs, Playdays & Residential Holidays.