Price Points: Dog boots

Selection of dog boots | H is for Home

We may have mentioned in the past that our Weimaraner, Fudge in his old age is beginning to suffer with his hips. He now has trouble going up & down stairs and needs to be carried over stiles when we go walking in the hills.

One of the other symptoms is that he drags one of his rear paws as he walks; so much so that he has worn his toenails down to the quick. We’ve bought him some dog boots (#2 above) which should allow his nails to slowly regrow.

They’re also good for allowing cuts on paw pads time to heal – and indeed, to prevent injury in the first place if walking terrain is likely to be jagged, rough or strewn with sharp objects.

  1. Alcott Botas Explorer Adventure: £21.15
  2. Ruffwear Grip Trex boots for dogs, 3-inch, Granite gray: £32.54
  3. Grip Trex dog boots – obsidian black: £79.95