If money’s tight, it can be very worrying. Fortunately, it’s possible for you to use spare space in your home to make a bit of extra cash. As you’ll see if you read on, doing so is not hard. In most cases, you can do it quickly without having to spend too much money to get things up and running.
Rent out your garage space
Perhaps the fastest way to make a little cash is to let people store stuff in your garage. If yours is currently full of junk, why not clean it out and swap it for someone else’s unwanted items. You can potentially make some money by selling your unwanted gear, and get some rent from somebody else.
If you do decide to do this, vet your clients well and draw up some sort of written contract. Include what happens to the person’s stuff if they don’t pay the bill. Always take a deposit that covers at least a month’s rent in advance, and don’t accept anything that will be difficult to dispose of should the owner not pay the rent.
Rent out a parking space
If you have a driveway, consider renting it out as parking spaces. You can find out more about doing this here. It is a very quick and easy way to make some extra cash, and there’s huge demand for this service. You can do this even if you don’t live within walking distance of an airport, railway station or shopping centre. Some people own classic cars or sports cars that they need to park up somewhere safe.
Rent out a room
For those who don’t mind sharing their home, renting out a room is a good option. Of course, you may need to redecorate your room to bring it up to a standard that will allow you to get a good rent.
Paint doesn’t cost much and you can easily pick up cheap soft furnishings. This approach, combined with using laminate flooring, makes it easy to spruce up your spare room. All you need now is some good quality furniture. There are several ways to get your hands on what you need. You can renovate what you already have, pick some up from your local re-cycling network, or buy some second-hand items.
All of these approaches work, but if you want the best finish possible, it is well worth using a service like like rent furniture UK. Doing so will allow you to lease what you need. The furniture will be new, so will look great, and be sure to be a draw for prospective tenants.
A few things of which to be aware
If you like the sound of any of these ideas, we suggest that you do a bit more research online. You’ll need to understand what your legal responsibilities are and understand how much of what you earn will be liable for tax. It’s important to go into this with your eyes open, and do the maths to make sure that it’s going to be profitable for you.