Luxury keto vanilla ice cream

Scoop of home-made luxury keto vanilla ice cream | H is for Home

I’ve had my lovely new duo ice cream maker for quite a few weeks, yet I’ve not made myself anything in it so far. I made Justin some basic vanilla ice cream which he enjoyed, so I’m making myself a batch of luxury keto vanilla ice cream.

Making keto vanilla ice cream custard | H is for Home

The difference between ‘basic’ and ‘luxury’ – as far as the instruction booklet which came with the ice cream maker is concerned – is that the former is made with milk and cream, and the latter has added whole eggs and extra yolks.

Cooked keto vanilla ice cream custard | H is for Home Cooked & covered keto vanilla ice cream custard | H is for Home

To convert the recipe to keto, I replaced the sugar with Whole Earth Sweetener Co. sweet granules which is a combination of Stevia and Erythritol. You only need about half the amount of sweet granules to sugar; Whole Earth has a handy conversion chart on its website, if you’re unsure of quantities.

I also used almond milk instead of cow’s milk and coconut cream instead of double cream. I know I say it most weeks, but this is the best keto recipe I’ve come up with to date – it’s a learning curve!

Pouring keto vanilla ice cream custard into an ice cream maker | H is for Home Churned vanilla ice cream custard in an ice cream maker | H is for Home

There’s a slight coconut flavour – which to me isn’t a bad thing –  however, the vanilla bean paste really comes through. I’ve had a couple of portions so far; once fully frozen, it needs to come out of the freezer about half an hour before you need to scoop it into balls as it hardens like rock! To avoid this, you could always add a capful of vodka – I didn’t want to over-indulge. I might sprinkle over a few cacao nibs or chopped almonds or pecans.

Scoop of home-made luxury keto vanilla ice cream | H is for Home #recipe #icecream #vanilla #dessert #vanillaicecream #ketoicecream #keto #ketogenic #lchf #ketogenic #ketodiet #lowcarbhighfat #lowcarb #ketogenicdiet #ketofam #ketolife #highfat #lowcarbdiet #lowcarblifestyle #grainfree #atkinsdiet #ketoadapted #lowcarbfood #lowcarblife

Click here to save my recipe to Pinterest

Luxury keto vanilla ice cream
Serves 8
  1. 300ml/10½fl oz almond milk
  2. 250ml/8½fl oz coconut cream
  3. 2tsp vanilla bean paste
  4. pinch of salt
  5. 2 large eggs
  6. 2 large egg yolks
  7. 40g/3½oz Whole Earth Sweetener Co. Sweet granules
  8. 2tsp vanilla extractKeto vanilla ice cream ingredients
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If you don’t have Buy Me a Pie! app installed you’ll see the list with ingredients right after downloading it
  1. Combine the almond milk and coconut cream in a medium-sized saucepan
  2. Stir the vanilla bean paste and salt into the milk/cream mixture
  3. Bring the mixture to a slow boil over medium heat
  4. Reduce the heat to low, and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally
  5. In a medium bowl, combine the eggs, egg yolks and sweet granules. Use a hand mixer on medium speed to beat until the mixture is thick, smooth, and pale yellow in colour, about 1½ to 2 minutes
  6. With the mixer on low speed, ladle out about 6fl oz of the hot milk/cream/vanilla liquid on to the egg mixture in a slow steady stream
  7. When thoroughly combined, pour the egg mixture back into the saucepan and stir to combine
  8. Cook - stirring constantly - over medium low heat until mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon
  9. Stir in the vanilla extract
  10. Transfer the mixture to a bowl, cover with a sheet of cling film (I used one of my reusable silicone stretch lids) placed directly on the custard (this stops a skin developing), and allow to cool completely
  11. Turn the ice cream maker on, pour the chilled custard into the frozen freezer bowl, and
  12. churn until thickened, about 20 to 25 minutes
  13. If desired, transfer the ice cream to a clean, airtight container and place in freezer until firm - about 2 hours to 'ripen'
H is for Home Harbinger

Cakes & Bakes: Keto soda bread

Home-made keto soda bread | H is for Home

This keto soda bread is my favourite ketogenic bread that I’ve made to date. I think it’s because it’s naturally sweet… and is gorgeous toasted with a big pat of butter on top.

Keto soda bread dry ingredients with cubed butter added | H is for Home Keto soda bread dry ingredients with cubed butter added | H is for Home

It’s made using the same method as traditional soda bread. However, the wheat flour is exchanged for  half & half almond and coconut flour. I’ve also swapped the buttermilk for half & half full fat Greek yoghurt and full fat milk… because it contains more fat. Finally, I added and egg to help bind it all together.

Keto soda bread ready for the oven | H is for Home

You need to bring the dough ball together quite tightly as the finished loaf can be very crumbly. That’s why I recommend that you wait until it’s completely cooled before you attempt to slice it. I know, the waiting is difficult!

Home-made keto soda bread | H is for Home

Justin had a portion toasted with egg, bacon and tomato. I had it toasted just with an egg, over easy. Tomorrow I’ll try it with cheese on toast or sliced avocado.

Slices of buttered keto soda bread with egg, bacon and grilled tomato | H is for Home

If you want to try my recipe, you can save it to Pinterest.

Home-made keto soda bread | H is for Home

Keto soda bread
Serves 8
Cook Time
35 min
Cook Time
35 min
  1. 150g/5¼oz almond flour
  2. 150g/5¼oz coconut flour
  3. 1tsp cream of tartar
  4. 1tsp bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
  5. pinch of salt
  6. 50g/1¾oz cold butter, cubed
  7. 150g/5¼oz full fat Greek yoghurt
  8. 1 egg, beaten
  9. 150ml/5¼fl oz whole milkKetogenic soda bread ingredients
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  1. Preheat oven to 190ºC/375ºF/Gas mark 5
  2. Line a baking tray with parchment paper
  3. In a large mixing bowl, combine all the dry ingredients, removing any lumps
  4. Rub in the cubed butter and make a well in the centre
  5. Pour in the yoghurt, milk and beaten egg and knead to a soft dough. Bring together and shape into a round
  6. Place on the prepared baking tray and, using a sharp knife, mark with a deep cross
  7. Bake for 30-35 minutes until the top is a lovely golden brown
  8. Allow to cool completely on a wire rack before breaking off chunks or slicing or it will crumble
H is for Home Harbinger

Cakes & Bakes: Keto baked vanilla cheesecake

Keto baked vanilla cheesecake | H is for Home

I’m still on my keto mission to find the most awesome no-carb or low-carb dessert. One of my favourite things to make (and eat) is this Gordon Ramsay cheesecake recipe. So I took that as a starting point to convert it into a keto baked cheesecake.

Ground almond base for keto baked vanilla cheesecake | H is for Home

The usual digestive biscuit base has been swapped for one made from ground almonds, butter and a tiny bit of sweetener.

Mixing xanthan gum and pure Stevia extract | H is for Home

I also used a teaspoon of xanthan gum in place of the cornflour in the cheesecake mixture. If you don’t have any in your cupboard I wouldn’t worry, I don’t think it’s necessary and will probably leave it out next time I make it.

Home-made baked vanilla cheesecake before going into the oven| H is for Home Home-made baked vanilla cheesecake after coming out of the oven| H is for Home

I’m beginning to get used to less sweetness and sugar in my meals – just like I haven’t been able stand sugar in my tea or coffee since I first gave it up 20 years ago!

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If you’d like to try my recipe at a later date, you can post it to Pinterest by clicking here

Keto baked vanilla cheesecake
Serves 8
Cook Time
1 hr
Cook Time
1 hr
For the base
  1. 150g ground almonds
  2. 1 smidgen scoop 100% pure Stevia powder
  3. 40g salted butter, melted
For the filling
  1. 280g full fat cream cheese at room temperature
  2. 1 large egg at room temperature
  3. ½tsp xanthan gum
  4. 2 smidgen scoops 100% pure Stevia powder
  5. ½tsp vanilla extract
  6. 150g full fat sour cream at room temperatureKeto baked vanilla cheesecake ingredients
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If you don’t have Buy Me a Pie! app installed you’ll see the list with ingredients right after downloading it
For the base
  1. Preheat the oven to 150ºC/300ºF/Gas mark 2
  2. Put the ground almonds into a medium-sized mixing bowl, sprinkle over the Stevia and stir in the melted butter until fully combined and the contents come together
  3. Press the mixture firmly into the bottom of an 18cm/7-in spring-form cake tin using the back of a dessert spoon
  4. Refrigerate while you prepare the filling
For the filling
  1. In a stand mixer, using the K-beater attachment, beat cream cheese on the lowest speed until it’s light and fluffy
  2. In a measuring jug, whisk together the egg and vanilla extract
  3. In a little ramekin or bowl, mix the Stevia with the xanthan gum (I use a little skewer)
  4. Sprinkle the powder mixture on to the beaten egg ensuring that you get rid of any lumps before slowly adding the mixture a bit at a time - with the mixer going on low - to the cream cheese
  5. Add the soured cream and mix until just combined
  6. Pour the mixture into the chilled crust and bake for an hour
  7. Turn the oven off and leave the cheesecake in there with door ajar for another hour
  8. Remove from the oven and transfer the tin to a wire rack to cool completely
  9. Chill overnight prior to serving
  1. Serve with a dollop of whipped cream and fresh berries
H is for Home Harbinger

Cacao almond butter fat bombs

Home-made cacao almond butter fat bombs | H is for Home

My keto diet is still going well, despite being in London for a week. I kept up by eating cheese and mushroom omelettes, salads and snacked on mixed nuts while we were out & about.

Sweet treats and desserts have been proving a little more challenging. I’ve been reading a lot on ketogenic websites about fat bombs. They’re great for swiftly satisfying cravings and helping you over that mid-afternoon energy slump. They’re so quick & easy to make that I just had to try it out.

Cacao almond butter fat bomb ingredients in glass mixing bowls | H is for Home
I made a batch of almond butter a couple of weeks ago which is perfect for using for this recipe. If you prefer, you could always swap it out for peanut, cashew hazelnut or even mixed nut butter. Also, the cacoa nibs aren’t absolutely necessary, they just add a bit of texture and crunch.

Adding Stevia to almond butter fat bomb mixture | H is for Home Almond butter fat bomb mixture | H is for Home

I can’t stress enough not to be heavy-handed with the pure Stevia powder, it will make the finished product very bitter. I used a level smidgen scoop (that’s what the manufacturer calls the spoon that comes with the bottle). They reckon that that amount is equal to a teaspoonful of sugar, but it’s always better to err on the side of caution if unsure about how much to use in a recipe.

Rolling cacao almond butter fat bombs | H is for Home

Thanks to the cacao these are really, really intense; like the purest, darkest chocolate you’ve ever tasted – so a single bomb is all you need. They’re like little petits fours, perfect to have with coffee or after a meal.

Home-made cacao almond butter fat bombs rolled in dessicated coconut | H is for Home

Click here to save my cacao almond butter fat bombs recipe to Pinterest for later!

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Cacao almond butter fat bombs
Yields 12
  1. 4tbsp cacao powder
  2. 2tsp cacao nibs (optional)
  3. 2tbsp almond butter
  4. 2tsp coconut oil
  5. scant smidgen scoop Stevia
  6. 2tbsp desiccated coconutKetogenic cacao almond butter fat bombs ingredients
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If you don’t have Buy Me a Pie! app installed you’ll see the list with ingredients right after downloading it
  1. Combine the cacao powder, cacao nibs (if using), almond butter and coconut oil. Ding the coconut oil in the microwave for 10 seconds or so if it's hard. Add a little more coconut oil if the mixture is crumbly
  2. Sprinkle over the Stevia and mix thoroughly
  3. Form the mixture into balls by rolling a teaspoonful at a time between the palms of your hands
  4. In a separate mixing bowl, add the dessicated coconut before rolling the balls, one at a time, around in it
  5. Put the balls into a long, flat dish; cover with cling film and chill in the fridge for 20-30 minutes to harden
  1. I've been having one as a treat with coffee and at the end of my evening meal. You shouldn't want/need more than a couple per day
H is for Home Harbinger