Win Village Leathers accessories

Selection of leather glasses cases from Village Leathers

The 1st of November is All Saint’s Day, Day of the Dead and – here in Wales – Calan Gaeaf. We begin the month, as ever, with a brand new give-away; and we think you’re going to love this one! We’ll be giving one of you a trio of leather accessories from Village Leathers.

There’s a key holder, card holder and glasses case in the winner’s bundle – available in a range of gorgeous colours. You can choose matching or clashing brights or timeless classics such as black, burgundy or tan. Personally, I’ve been lusting after their Chroma yellow range – so bold & beautiful!

Selection of leather key holders from Village Leathers

Village Leathers is a family business based in London and has been trading since 1974. All their items are handmade, created using top quality materials in their creaky Victorian workshop. They use all-vegetable dyes and only use leather that’s a by-product of the meat industry.

Village Leathers and H is for Home share an ethos. Here’s what they say:

I don’t think there’s anything more satisfying than a product design being so old that it rolls back into fashion.

To enter, leave us a comment below saying what things you miss or would like (or hate, if you prefer) to see come back into fashion. It could be food, TV programmes, fashion, music… I’d like to see ‘Penny for the Guy’ return and be as popular as Halloween has become!

As usual, complete all the social follows, shares etc for extra entries.

Trio of leather accessories from Village Leathers

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