We’ve been craving light food at mealtimes in this run of hot summer weather. We’ve been eating lots of salads and having the odd barbecue too. I always have to finish a meal with something sweet; so this week, instead of baking a cake, I made some cooling and refreshing coconut ice cream.
The recipe I devised couldn’t be quicker or simpler; just 4 ingredients – half a carton of coconut drink, a tin of coconut milk, some caster sugar and drop of vanilla extract. A delicious 100% vegan recipe.
It’s delicious served on it’s own or combined with slices of fresh fruit such as mango or peaches. It’s also great with chocolate sauce. We love to eat it after spicy foods. It’s the perfect dessert to follow a hot curry or chilli-laden stir fry.
Click here or on the image below to save my vegan coconut ice cream recipe to Pinterest

- 500ml unsweetened coconut drink
- 85g/3oz caster sugar
- 1 tin (400ml/14fl oz) coconut milk
- 1tsp vanilla extract
- In a 1 litre measuring jug, stir the caster sugar into the coconut drink until dissolved
- Stir in the tin of coconut milk
- Add the vanilla extract
- Pour the mixture into your ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer's instructions. (Mine takes approximately 25-30 minutes)
- If you use sweetened coconut drink you can lower the amount of sugar that you add. Similarly, if you like your ice cream sweeter, up the sugar added to 100g/3½oz