You’ve got your wine, your beer, your mineral water…
…or if you’re lucky, a bit of fizz.
You’ve got your ice to keep it cool.
Now all you need is something stylish to put it in.
Step forward ICE BUCKET!
Made from all kinds of materials including glass, wood, plastic, stainless steel & silver – with shapes & designs too numerous to mention. Some are big enough to plunge your whole bottle in – like this fantastic, 1960s yellow Cathrineholm number…
…others hold just enough cubes to keep that G&T at the optimum temperature.
Vintage teak & stainless steel ice bucket by Viners of Sheffield
left to right: Lundtofte, Crayonne & Stelton
We always have a few designs in stock, so if your cubes need a good home, check out the selection at H is for Home