On our radar: Grow your own mistletoe kit

Grow your own mistletoe kit | H is for HomeBUY IT HERE

Every year, we look out for alternatives to the usual flowers and chocolates Valentine’s Day gift options. Did you know you can buy a grow your own mistletoe kit? Yes, the plant is usually associated with Christmas, but February-April is mistletoe sowing season. And, besides, what is it that you’re meant to do under the mistletoe?

Each mistletoe kit contains 50 freshly-picked berries (enough for about 10 plantings) with detailed instructions, labelling material and a recording form to keep track of planting.

The seeds need to be sown on the bark of trees – mistletoe loves to grow on apple trees the most; however, it’s also happy on hawthorn, lime, poplar and many others.

**Since writing, the English Mistletoe Shop are now only despatching in March 2020. Nonetheless, they can take pre-orders from autumn 2020 onwards for early 2021 delivery… so that’s next Valentine’s Day sorted!**