Industrial Vintage

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selection of industrial vintage home, office & factory items including filing cabinets, lamps and radios

Justin had his “industrial vintage” head on at this week’s auction; picking up a selection of drawers, radios & lamps. They looked good grouped together even as they were being unloaded from the car, so we took a quick snap.

vintage industrial red desk lamp

The shorter set of drawers is wooden, the taller ones steel. They’re both painted that classic green and are perfect for office, crafting, tools or potting shed. The radios were produced by Hacker & Roberts respectively. Both companies hold the Royal Warrant, so build quality & sound are excellent. We love the lamps – the cream one is a classic 1960s Anglepoise and has our favourite shape of shade. The red one is a gorgeous little number – very sturdily built and multi-positional. A great industrial look and original red paint too! It was produced by Metek and these lamps are quite hard to come across, so probably the star of today’s show.

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